Johanna Cariou Lost Her Key

How about making a baby with a person who wants to be pregnant and have a baby?

A creep could pony up a billion dollars and it still wouldn’t be enough to fully compensate the woman for being forced against her will to carry a pregnancy to term and bear the child.

So...does that apply to rapists whose victims become pregnant?

OK. They should also pass a law allowing women to sue men for ejaculating.

I sure do hope that every chucklefuck who is crying foul about vaccine mandates and how the government shouldn't penalize them for a personal medical choice to not have something in their body they don't want is therefore solidly pro- choice at this point.... Oh right, I forgot, I bet they're also totally fine with

I agree with several of my women friends who say, “If you don’t have a vagina, STFU.”

Texas women: please stop screwing these dudes until they start acting right.

Why is it that Politicians always have a view about how someone else should behave/act/live? Yet they ALL do something diametrically opposed to their public stance...

I figured they HAD to be related, those two. Bushes and Sununus...failing upward is a family tradition.

Frank Knaack, policy director for American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire, said the bill is “out of step” with the values of New Hampshire

Yes, forced birth is correct: the rape/incest exceptions are hypocritical. If the intent is to protect ALL life, then these pregnancies should be treated no differently. I don’t agree with this obvs, merely highlighting the ridiculousness.

A bill proposed in New Hampshire, now, would let someone sue a pregnant person to try to block their abortion at any stage of pregnancy—even if he merely claims to be the father.

like Colbert said, fetuses are like collectibles to conservatives—they lose their value when they’re removed from their wrappers. Plus it is an awfully convenient way to control women; to help maintain a lower class that can be more easily controlled AND will usually reliably vote R in the future; etc.

Until the fetus can be surgically removed from a woman’s uterus and implanted into the man’s body to be carried to term, they should have no say on the matter. Just because you get someone pregnant does give you the right to control that person’s body.

oh my god, how the fuck is this a thing

I miss the days when his dad used the White House limo service to go from DC to NYC to buy a stamp he couldn’t afford anyway and then GHWB fired him. 

though notably that support ends once the person gives birth.

Fuck that. 

Aren’t they the “Live Free or Die” state? This doesn’t seem in step with that.

Fuck NH. Fuck Sununu. Fuck the GOP!!!!