His soul is enslaved by Quan Chi, so he’s part of the Brotherhood of Derpness.
That's not what it does at all. The better items are unlocked in the shop from dungeon progression.
He’s a Canadian who visited Houston for a bit, so he can just make shit up now. I’ve never heard of it either.
First name Walking, last name Never.
I should try playing sober...
An then what happened? you regressed back to troll?
If someone else playing the game differently ruins someone's own experience they should worry more about why they have that problem and not how people are "ruining" a game for them.
dank b8 m8
Aw, c'mon!
there will be a boy band but it'll be the boy band that everyone thinks is complete shit
I'm sorry, did I say "when we die?"
Aren't you a little ray of sunshine.
That's deep.