dank b8 m8
dank b8 m8
Times are tough for Waldo, he's having to make money on the side.
It sounds like you need to play Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon.. if you haven't already :)
Is all this micro-transaction/episodic/piecemeal fuckery really worth it?
I only recognize the actress on the top right because she was the friend of the mom in Gilmore Girls.
My my. I wish I could feel as strongly about anything as these people feel about hating Anita Sarkeesian.
Hey Yannick. From the screenshots I assume you're playing on a PS4. How are the graphics and have you run into any slow down issues? cheers
If there was more content I probably wouldn't mind the grinding for materials and upgrades to improve my gear.
Well, I definitely support the amount of facial hair this game is throwing in my face. Truly glorious beards and mustaches.
Eh, a lot of people hating on this redesign but I really like it.
Wow. That is impressively lazy. Looks like someone just moved the character key art from the pack shot and put it to the left of the logo.
I don't mind lengthy games as long as the content remains meaningful and consistent through out the whole experience.
..except for your privilege
Attack On Titan S2 is the Half Life 3 of Last Guardians.
What they didn't show was when the robot got on Dota 2 and started yelling CYKA BLYAT!!1 at other players.
I admire the wife who would let that thing into the house or near any children.
Probably a good move. This generated zero hype for me personally. The art style just doesn't seem to have it's own identity, it's all over the place and kind of bland at the same time.
I have to admit .. at 29 years of age I feel like I just don't understand the internet anymore.