
It's a very, very good game. It's one of the few PS4 games that doesn't feel "soulless". You can tell that the devs enjoyed making it and put a lot of love into the game.

Nope. AC Unity is aligned with Microsoft.

In a few weeks she'll be all like "u wot m8? u havn a giggle ya cheeky cunt 1v1 me @ iron kep bredge c wat hapns. git gud or git rekt skrub. sware on me mum ill bash ye fooken hed in and str8 rek ur shit"

All these animal simulators are too much for me to bear.

oh that motherfucker

Hold on. There are men in Final Fantasy XV?

Who's publishing this? 2k?

If something has a screen, humans will watch porn on it.

I think only the editors can do that. Owen used to be part of the Kotaku staff. He provided excellent coverage on sports games and snacks!

It would be too heartbreaking to watch Crecente's glorious mane get soaked in water .. but also hilarious, yes.

How much will the season pack cost and which retailers are running pre-order exclusive ULCs? I don't wanna miss out on any chess pieces.

Well I bought one around launch but that was probably not the best decision.

Looks fantastic. It's like Penny Dreadful: The Game :)

Perhaps I'm easily impressed but I found it amazing that I could transfer my character from Xbox 360 to my PS4. Like, what!?!?

"Dick-slinging Spider-man" is highly underrated but definitely one of the richest Spider-man universes they've created. I, for one, consider it near-canonical.

Bring back the star system!

We're at a point where publishers don't even explain or mention why a game isn't coming out on the Wii U lol

It would have been perfect if you could issue orders for your teammates by way of the tactical camera but then when you switch to the character you want to control the combat is exactly like a Souls game :)

I would've gone with Linkette, Linkita or Linkana :) Granted, they're absolutely terrible names but better than Linkle imo!

Ok I get it, it's Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag 2 : Templar Edition