Joey Tallywacker

It can just pop up at any time, just randomly. Not because you did something to it, but because it’s there. There’s days when I wake up and I feel fine, and then a week later, it’s kind of stiff.

Here's the visual proof I wanted that shows Jeff Fisher still has a head coaching job in the NFL.

Uh, sorry, but under the new contract each full timer gets at least $50,000. Ha ha ha, looser.

Seems like an unfair advantage, given that Chimera had three heads.

Whelp, it was a good ride. It's been fun.

Matt Barnes probably will be available for the Knicks’ head coaching gig next year, but he absolutely hates players who grab rebounds.

I can’t blame Kenny Williams one bit. Kids are annoying! They can’t do grownup stuff like driving cars, watching pornography, and getting tattoos. Plus they don’t even learn to wipe their own asses until they’re 16.

Man, a kid hasn’t caused this much trouble for Chicago baseball since the Cubs kicked out that goat in 1945.

I haven’t I haven’t seen a QB absorb so many noodles since Scott Mitchell’s retirement party.

I use these for dingleberry excavation

+20,000 words on Real World/Road Rules Challenge as a poorly conceived analogy for the NBA trade deadline

I refuse to believe that Simmons did not consider Cobra Kai.

Maybe Simmons underestimates his audience.

One Tarnished Moment.

After this Commodore went rogue, he should have stopped early, but he just kept tweeting...

I’d love to make a joke about this, but the statue of limitations has passed.

The Maple Leafs are still figuring out how to play 5-on-5.

If the Broncos were able to win despite their quarterback play, then Brock should fit right into the Texans system.

odd, since for so much of his life Osweiler has been the bigger man

Wow - it’s been awhile since any Republican has won the Urban vote.