
Being opposed to killing black babies is racist now? Got it. 

“Look, I promise I’m not racist against Black people. I do, however, not believe in a woman’s right to control her own body. Especially as it pertains to Black women.”

Most jurisdictions consider the obstruction of traffic an illegal activity and have developed rules to prosecute those who block, obstruct, impede, or otherwise interfere with the normal flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic upon a public street or highway.

Ah, yet another political article telling other people how bad they are and assuming their intelligence because they disagree with you.

Or we could deport them and force them to re-enter via legal means like so many thousands of others already have and continue to do... Why should we reward bad behavior and law-breaking???

Does it, really?

Someone tell me why illegal aliens should be issued driver’s licenses?

The United States leads the world in the reduction of carbon emissions. The United States could go to zero emissions tomorrow, and it won’t do dick, as China and other large emitters are increasing their emissions with no end in sight.
That’s not to say we can’t continue on our downward trend, but this constant

You really think she “handed them their ass”? Now you’re the one pandering down to her. Weaksauce, even for a teenager who was obviously over-coached on how to act and respond.

I know this may be hard for some of you to believe, but way back before many of you were born, you could actually get cars with... options.

Unfortunately, you still have to be seen in the 2019 Chevy Silverado.

The pickup is a Ram. Is the box truck a ewe-haul?

Yes. Everyone who doesn’t kowtow to your agenda is a shit human. Got it.

And because if a guy tells you that his kid was killed in a mass shooting, shake the fucking hand you’re offered.

Why should Kavanaugh participate in Guttenberg’s minor piece of political theater?   

I disagree with almost always being fine in a few weeks after GBS diagnosis. It’s taken me almost four years since getting GBS to start feeling normal again. It’s a slow climb for many, many people. 

Couterpoint: when this generation first came out (2006, according to a quick image search), it looked like a flying saucer compared to its predecessor and to other cars on the road. It wasn’t angular, it wasn’t an amorphous blob, it was something new. This was still when Japanese car companies didn’t think that

At least you could say it’s function over form. The digital speedo cluster was a novel way to bring vital information closer to the driver’s line of sight. you’re an insurance salesman, but you have a problem with the profit margin Porsche makes.