
Funny then that approx 80% of the people who come into the ED at my hospital with symptomatic covid are “Vaxxed’

And the Civic Si. Never even been able to get it with anything but a manual.

Maybe don’t stand in the middle of the fucking road. Fuck sakes people. 

Obviously unpopular take, but hear me out, and try to not flame the piss out of me. I’m happy to discuss, but don’t be a dick about it.

Anyways, this doesn’t change the fact in the slightest about your constitutionally protected right to protest. That’s actually termed “the right to peaceably assemble”. Peaceable

“How tough are you? Do you do a hard day’s work and still make the time and effort for those you love and care about? Do you build that swing set in the backyard for your children? Do you pick up the plants from the nursery for that new landscaping project? Do you haul that lumber to build that deck for your family

I’ll take “Unsprung Weight” for £1000, Alex.

I’m still convinced Apple designed that Moto phone to fail on purpose. It was a hit job just so they could learn some things about phones.

Motorola “collaborated” with Apple on a phone. Motorola ended up releasing a clunky phone that happened to run iTunes, and was limited on storage so as not to compete with iPod. Apple then made the first iPhone (presumably learning some things from that collaboration) and proceeded to eat Moto’s and everyone else’s lun

even then though, what is changing a name of a car going to do to fix the underlying socioeconomic problems which they currently face?

this is monumentally stupid, even for an internet message board.

“generational trauma”

It most certainly is a negotiation. I’ve worked with an Indian tribe and they’ve become very adept at playing the victim card. Usually it’s a shakedown for a payout; then they start to infighting over which of their own factions get it. See casinos, Keystone XL Pipeline, literally any government social program and now

It most certainly is a negotiation. I’ve worked with an Indian tribe and they’ve become very adept at playing the victim card. Usually it’s a shakedown for a payout; then they start to infighting over which of their own factions get it. See casinos, Keystone XL Pipeline, literally any government social program and now

Yeah, big time. Some of the writers on GMG are pretty close-minded though: You’re either on this side of the debate, or you’re wrong.

(Assuming SC has some minimal social-distancing going on- I know, a big ‘if.’)

Lol, so first of all, the title of the article is still misleading. I never said you couldn’t “have multiple opinions about one event,” so...?

F that, your title is horribly wrong. It should be something more along the lines of “Mob Surrounds and Attacks Police Vehicle, 2 Injured.”

You can literally hear (one person says “oh they hitting on the cop car”) and see what’s going on in the video, in addition to other witnesses.

I’d have busted my way out of

Thank god you are not in any way responsible for the government monetary/fiscal policies with that over-simplified silly view of how money works. 

Starting on Tuesday you’re going to find out pretty closely what a nightmare Gore would have been.

California doesn’t need his help to demonize themselves.