
I’ve come to realize with the internet that you are very rarely the first person to do really anything. Somebody has already had the same problem you’re having, and found a way to fix it, and somebody very likely has had the same crazy idea that you have and documented how to do it.

Sitting in Jackson Lake Lodge, drinking some margaritas, and looking across the moose preserve at the Tetons — that was a great afternoon.

I’m about to blow a gasket over this 2016 nonsense. Every fucking time anything bad happens it’s 2016's fault. My God are people stupid.

Well, I’m truly sorry that you feel that just because people don’t share your view of a candidate means that they obviously must not have take the election seriously.

Sorry. I’ll go mess with the Deadspin crowd. That said, Stef and Raph’s political articles that had a vague mention of something car related were fairly ridiculous. Not because they support a particular candidate but because politics really has no place on an automotive website unless we’re discussing how each

You mean a “president” who ushered in a failure of a healthcare system and divided the country more than ever, racially, sexually, economically? Why,yes.

Allegedly you shouldn’t solder wires in a race car because the vibration will eventually crack it and fail.

My expectations are that this show will flop because of the dumb online subscription required to see it.

Legitimate transfer payments between two countries (or two anything) aren’t done in the middle of night with pallets of cash on an airplane. They’re done using wire transfers.

It’s not crazy.

Now playing

Not just my favorite sci-fi song but one of my favorite songs of all time. Also, it’s a double parody. (A take on Gary Glitter’s “Rock and Roll”) It’s so catchy. You won’t be able to hear “Rock and Roll” any more without thinking of this version.

Oh, dirtybird145. Please clearly explain how Trump is a “fascist.” I’m serious. State exactly how Trump is a fascist. Provide direct quotes, times, dates, locations. Don’t just say “fascist” without backing that shit up.

Blocking the box in the city happens because some dbag is only looking at forward movement and not how much actual space there is to fit their vehicle (not to mention very few actually know how big their vehicle is).

“A majority of drivers still stop at the station regularly, filling up their gas-guzzling vehicles and allowing the oil industry to stay in business.”

My prior post may have been a tad harsh, which was not my intent. I think we have different definitions of Average Joe.

He’s a special kind of stupid. Not sure how he became President.

Man I would have added his fuel line trick to this list over the basketball.