What a pisser.
They should have played the anthem during the game.
Yes, he definitely looks like the kind of person who would be subject to slavery. Well put.
Why does no one point out how self-serving an athlete’s nature inherently is? Does Colin Kaepernick do anything to support his cause, other than behaviors that bring attention to him? Would any sober American want social policy to be significantly influenced by the NFL?
As a person who works for a living, it’s hard to appreciate a person’s lifestyle such as this. He’s committed, and I can recognize he’s sacrificed something. However, it goes against everything working people are raised to become.
GM made that airbag.
If you went to law school, you could learn how to find the answer yourself. I don’t know or care. Your initial post was so awful, I assume law school could teach you how to construct a coherent, worthwhile argument.
He’s risking nothing, and won’t be in a position to earn, even if he stood up. Your second sentence makes no sense, so shut the fuck up.
Go to law school, then shut the fuck up.
This guy is not the voice of people being “oppressed”. He comes from a good family, and makes good money. The only reason he chooses to act out is knowing his career has been over for a while, and he misses the attention he was showered with when he first got big.
Now we can make CTE jokes about baseball.
Plush - Stone Temple Pilots
“... especially if you have a partner ...” :(
I love it when Deadspin takes an unflattering still of people that are awful. Gets me every time.
My pride.
Which jersey would you rather sport?
* Derrick Thomas (home red)
* Rasheed Wallace (Portland, black)
* Thierry Henry (long-sleeve maroon red, the “O2" sponsor”
A Peace of Light - The Roots
I grew up around Iowa football enough to know how their system works. It’s just like Jim Calhoun getting angry at reporters asking him about his insane salary. They bring in tons of money to the University, so it’s hard to demonstrate how coach salaries are a detriment.
At Iowa, the repeat explanation you get from fans…
That’s what she said!