
deadspin was a good sports blog. rip

Seriously, there are thousands of us who would chip in to a kickstarter or patreon-type arrange if that’s what it takes to get this off the ground.

Hey Drew. You’re the best, and good luck with the brain and everything.

Okay, as a dumb American who doesn’t know much about soccer, I’m a little confused about what the rules are when a goalie gets ejected from a red card during a game. Does it mean that, like, everyone on his team gets to smack him in the face once, really hard, with a wet sock after the game, or what’s the deal?

> Berry is somehow the most useless.

A lot of them had great years in 2018 and were bound to regress. And I don’t think the baseballs had anything to do w/ Sale throwing 80 mph “fastballs” in April and May.

Glasnow picked the worst possible time to adopt glasnost.

Think, just for a moment, about how little sense that makes. 

Hard to say, but things kampf go on like this much longer

He finally realized that sports and it’s tangential mechanisms are just reality/tabloid/celebrity gossip marketed to men.

So who else needed five extra minutes to finish this blog because they went down a fistball rabbit hole?

Can’t, I’m at work.

Arsenal invested heavily and wisely...”

Indianapolis is also home to SEVERAL fraternity and sorority national HQs, meaning that city is home to many professional frat guys

Indiana is full of hateful racist backwoods losers yet somehow produced Kurt Vonnegut. It’s like his very existence used up the states entire allotment of decency for all eternity. 

How much of this did you have to throw away and rewrite in a haze yesterday? I estimate 317% of it.

Saw that moment live in college. I'll remember it till the day I die! 

“How do you feel about the Oakland A’s?”

Grindr but not Tinder seems dumb at best and homophobic at worst. 

this was so real that it made me uncomfortable and almost text my old therapist