Could Alain Vigneault have it any easier now that Carcillo is gone? Good lord...
Could Alain Vigneault have it any easier now that Carcillo is gone? Good lord...
Sean Avery was the only Ranger in recent history that could walk the fine line between being a goon and being an obnoxious asshole, and did it wearing designer underwear and fancy shoes to NYC's appeal.
God, this team is whiter than Duke.
I'm not sure if that's a mixture of shit and piss or what's left of Matt Cassel and Christian Ponder's careers, not that there's a difference at this point.
"New bunks for the migrant workers? We'll take 'em!"
I find it pretty rich how the bid history shows that the price almost doubled within 3 minutes of this article being posted.
He does the same thing in Toronto, except he hits the "Crack 'N Flagon" sign above the Big Red Monster in city hall.
Unless it's Russian.
I'm glad Bryce Harper is spending his time on IR wisely.
Child: "Dad, show me that face I made when your pitbull bit me when I was 2 years old."
Wesley Willis
We up here.
It hit the tip of a bat then hit the tip of a bat.
Detroit Tigers catcher Alex Avila was probably, hopefully wearing a cup.
Don't you mean he got carriedov the ice?
This moment brought to you by Viagra.
"Hunny, please...just, please. I'll never ask again."
That dad's new nickname is Puberty because his balls never dropped.