Joey Fudgeplant

Yeah, that was the dealbreaker for me as well. The "paleo" version used coconut milk, which seems a little more reasonable. Maybe combined with some greek yogurt or something?

Oh dear lord tell me that this is real and there's a video of it!!!

I enjoy watching 4th rate sporting events that have gone into blowout mode. We're talking about Professional Indoor Soccer leagues or local Division III basketball games where the only spectator is a janitor who's only there because he has to lock the gym after the game. I've heard commentators spend an entire

There's a singer who performs under the name Saint Saviour who I'm a fan of. She does a song called Reasons that features a vocal explosion at the end which makes me shudder every time.…

There's a singer who performs under the name Saint Saviour who I'm a fan of. She does a song called Reasons that features a vocal explosion at the end which makes me shudder every time.…

There's a singer who performs under the name Saint Saviour who I'm a fan of. She does a song called Reasons that features a vocal explosion at the end which makes me shudder every time.…

"Please, Mr. Zombie is my father's name. Call me Rob!"

NERD! LOLZ… seriously though that's impressive. The Aeneid is pretty awesome.

And while we're on the subject, I've lost a considerable amount of respect for ?estlove and The Roots for participating in any of this. They could have and should have walked off the set when this was going down.

Graphic as it was, they really nailed the emotional core of the scene when they started playing that orchestral rendition of Baha Men's "Who Let the Dogs Out?. Truly stirring.

Did you see/have any thoughts on the Stephen Mangan Dirk Gently series they did a while back? I thought it was pretty good, as such things go.

I had something of a WTF reaction when I heard the first single, but it's kind of growing on me.

Ah, I should have known better.

No, but Ace is included on the Spotify playlist connected to the video. Since this video seems to have gotten a lot of attention, I'm hoping they consider doing more of them and include more artists.

If you wanted romance, you needed to switch out that Journey tape for the smoothness that is Steve Perry's solo LP:…

I really liked the Dum Dum Girls, and this Kristin Kontrol project looks like it could be really, really great.

As others have pointed out, there's an abundance of amazing Elliott tracks. If I were making a mixtape for someone to introduce them to him, I might add "Coming Up Roses" and "St. Ides Heaven" to the list.

There are no graduate programs at Swarthmore, but… yeah, fair enough.

After hearing a few of this band's songs on the radio, I felt like there was a eery familiarity to all of it, like the band was made up of music nerds who ingeniously disassembled and then reassembled great songs, making them just different enough to pass muster. Then I stumbled upon this (excellent) video: https://ww

If you're gonna do the Pussycats live show, I think you'd definitely want to bring Anna Warnoker on to do her own version of "I Wish You Well":…