Joey Fudgeplant

Having just watched the pilot, I can answer this question: they play sexy music while they're watching the rape. No, seriously.

Now I can spend my free time trolling Grey's Anatomy fan fiction, just as God intended.

Just finished watching this pilot. Jeez. Look, I was game for a dumb, fun summer action/cop show. I really was. But this is like a procedurally generated combination of every bad cop show ever, combined with an infomercial for Windows Surface tablets. This is the sort of script that could have been stitched

Also without interesting characters, a sense of humor, nor any concept of how to write exposition. The pilot begins with a 70 second long narrative VO, explaining the plot with all the style and subtlety of a VCR manual. This show could have been a lot of fun… but I don't have strong hopes for it based on this pilot.

Most of this premise is already being done (much better) on USA's playing house.

As part of this promotion, Chipotle will introduce a new item to their secret menu. Customers who step up to the counter and ask for a "David Foster Wallace", will be served a 20 foot long megaburrito, wrapped in wax paper that contains the full text of Infinite Jest.

Even if one isn't up for the shrimp head eating experience, you should still purchase the head-on shrimps, since you can pluck the heads off and make some amazing stock.

I was kind of hoping they'd give Sam Bee her own show, since she's been on an epic run at TDS. But Wilmore is also pretty awesome.

The joke is that "24" is a prime time soap opera on the Fox network, designed to sell Fox News talking points to an audience that is too young (under the age of 75) to watch Fox News. The show is, among other things, a gung-ho justification of America's policy of torturing "enemy combatants".

I'm puzzled why this list didn't include Aesop Rock's "Daylight" and "Nightlight". With any luck, one of these tracks will be featured on a future episode of a Shonda Rhimes drama, and thereby manifest in the AVclub's cultural universe.

I actually remember the original series of this show. There's a reason it wasn't successful: it wasn't that funny. Yes, it ticked all the boxes on the hipster checklist: snide, self-satisfied faux-satire centered around a wholly unsympathetic protagonist with no redeeming qualities. In a sense, The Comeback was

Creepy Uncles choose Peter Pan!

I'm really looking forward to the new season of 24. In the first episode, Jack Bauer gets drunk and runs his car over 10 black teenagers who were guilty of "signing up for Obamacare". Then he baptizes a muslim via waterboarding, while taking calls on his Windows Phone from Mrs. Chloe O'Brien-Limbaugh. Finally, he

"We can always trust The CW to be at the forefront of teen soaps"

Let's establish a new rule: if you use the term Thought Police in public, you must prove that you've actually read Orwell's 1984. If you are unable to prove this, those who have read the book are permitted to take a hardcover edition and smash you in the face with it repeatedly.

I'm all for reducing the ambient toxicity of the internet. I really am. But this is a bad way to start.

If you're looking to avoid the toothpaste effect, you'll want to take note of what kind of mint you're growing. I believe spearmint (or some variant thereof) is what gets used in cocktails (juleps, mojitos, etc.). Peppermint, on the other hand, is generally avoided, since it has the toothpastey, chewing gum flavor

I think there was plenty of genius to go around in that group, but I do think that Matt's particular songwriting style was more prominent in Trip Shakespeare than Dan's. If you check out Matt's band The Twilight Hours (I believe the album is available for free download), the songs sound more like TS than Dan's solo

This is a very good piece, but I would argue that Dan's work with Trip Shakespeare is worth more than a footnote. Trip Shakespeare was a pretty incredible band, with whimsical, quirky, hook-laden lyrics, a tight-as-hell rhythm session and irresistible harmonies between Dan, his brother Matt and bassist John Munson

Seriously. Like the endless jokes at the expense of the diminutive Asian guy on the show. Where are all these Hashtag Activists when we actually need them?