Joey Fudgeplant

The show is like a filthy version of those old Nickelodeon sitcoms. A heady combination of tweener aspirational fluff, crass attempts at slapstick and dick jokes.

Why do you dorks bother to care about popular entertainment? Big Bang Theory and Two Broke Girls are gonna stay on TV for the next 20 years, so you dickweeds better learn to love it! Smart people are all autistic, foreigners are all filthy sex rapists, asians are all dickless homos… you guys need to learn to "have a

Admittedly, I didn't bother to look up precisely when everyone was talking about Odd Furniture Valtrex Taco Enema Cult.

Man, remember that blissful 5 week period a year ago when every music blog was just OBSESSED with Odd Future Wolf Pack Riot Sweatshirt Egg Salad? Good times, good times. I'll remember those times almost as fondly as the time when the blog-o-sphere decided that Grimes and Lena Dunham were super interesting.

This is what I expected to see in the final scene of True Detective.

And now, since you posted, he actually has followers. There's a reason why conservationists conceal the location of rare, endangered organisms. Poorly played, Deadspin.

I actually owned that album (on cassette, obvs). It wasn't terrible. Not memorable either, but I think they deserved better than to be totally erased from history. Plus, at least in their case, the band name was ironic (half the band were women).

I like this show. I watched some of the Australian Rake… it didn't do much for me. I thought it was clever, and well done, but ultimately they were too good at making the protagonist unlikable. I think this is the rare example in which softening the tone of a foreign show for American television actually works. The US

Neo-shoegaze indie pop is alive and well! (at least it is on my college radio show that probably has 3 listeners)

Meanwhile Jim Caviezel, star of the most incendiary piece of anti-semetic propaganda since the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, chuckles to himself, "good thing those libtards on the intronets hate the Jews just as much and me and my buddy Mel… otherwise I might not have a lucrative job speaking in monotone on a

I really like this show. It's funny.

For what it's worth, I did a Peter Gabriel + The State + TLC mashup relating to this sketch. Here it is, and may God have mercy on our souls:…

Dutch folk sometimes do shots of jenever, which is a kind of gin. From wikipedia: "When jenever is drunk with beer (normally lager) as a chaser, it is referred to as a kopstoot (headbutt) [...] As the glass is very cold it is advisable to take the first sips without holding the glass, leaving it on the table and

Yet another example of your new Wussified NFL: where a guy wearing a helmet backs off from full-force headbutting a teammate, just because that teammate isn't wearing a helmet and might get a boo-boo. Commissioner Goodell should bring in Gus Frerotte as the NFL's new VP of Smashing Your Head Into Things When It's

Ever since NYPD Blue ended, I've been waiting for a new show where white cops regularly beat confessions out of swarthy suspects—all morally justified under the "Sometimes Great Cops Have to Bend the Rules" trope. Congrats to NBC for feeding revenge fantasy porn to a whole new generation of George Zimmermans.

I have really high hopes for The Banner Saga. I played the free-to-play Banner Saga: Factions for a bit. I was really impressed by the depth and distinctiveness of the combat system. And, obviously, the game is just freaking gorgeous. I'm a little worried by early reports that the game has a brick wall shaped

"While not exactly theatrical, Undressed nevertheless involved a novel approach to serialized soaps: individual stories that rarely overlapped yet presented an overall mosaic of a specific slice of life."

Thanks for the clarification, FrenchmenM. Very helpful. However, in the interest of full disclosure, FrenchmanM, I must admit that I am a "FrenchmenM's Mother is a Filthy Crack-Whore" Revisionist. To be clear, I am not denying that your mother is a filthy crack-whore. I'm just questioning the prevailing rhetoric about

Yeah, the comedy mostly fell flat… but the music made up for it. However, especially as Clarkson blew the lid off a very cool big band arrangement of "My Favorite Things", I thought to myself: why didn't NBC Clarkson star in that live Sound of Music thing? She's considerably less annoying than Carrie Underwood.