
I didn't think of the pill element! And while I doubt it, he did have Clonazepam listed as one of the three drugs he was taking. Klonopin is close enough to Xanax / bars, where it is like surrogate for booze. Something to do before you kill yourself from carbon monoxide intake. But ultimately I think Chuck was so

Dachshunds PJs? Not cat's pajamas… but close.

I read an interview where Gilligan recognizes that those season-end fake-outs are crummy writing. Some Walking Dead episode ended w/ the IMPLICATION (cue: Dennis Reynolds) that someone died, and next season? Not dead! Uncool! I expect better from Vince and Peter, and believe they clearly know how to avoid it.

Quoting Joe: "if you treat a person like they can never change for the better, you make it that much more impossible for them to change for the better"

Good lord, thank you. There would be either The Golem (of mythology) or A Golem, whereas Gollum would have no article since it's the critter's name.

Taking the slice and not even consuming it might be worse. That ratio of people to cake was too great, and thereby left Milton with nothing to eat, while Howard just tosses his in the trash (also further exacerbating the cockroach problem they've been having.)

My gf caught that Crazy 8 reference too. Glad to see it mentioned here.

If there's one thing metalheads respond to, it's being shamed into changing their actions by virtue signalers.

Salty tears.

All those electors flipped to Hillary, right?

Paul Simon stole it from Bach who stole it from Hassler. Simon's version is a travesty.

Chaotic good vs. Lawful good?

I would love to see that version! I had a tape of Superman 2 that I watched regularly as a child, and this fantastic HBO intro came on before it. It was a perfect introduction and is now burned into my brain. I saw this YouTube doc a few years ago. So glad I can reminisce with it.

This article is specifically about people hating songs. It's called "Hatesong". Bitching about songs is the entire purpose. Also, American Pie blows.

R.I.P. motherfucker. :(

Don't you mean, Zoidberg? The Farnsworth voice got to insult a Zoidberg-like appearance once more! (In other words, we still have Zoidberg.)

~ Lowenstein ~ … My name is Zweig.

No you don't.

You have got to be kidding. There are some good gags in that one for sure, but the moralizing was insufferable.

Light-hearted doesn't have to be crappy.