
Have you ever had a major injury? A bone fracture, a muscle tear, a tendon rupture? Trust me, you can get to tears from pain as an adult.

Hopefully, they’ll take him (back) to the place he loves. Take him all the way.

That would have made a vast difference.

Surprised the dealer didn’t claim more damage, saw her as a cash cow

Daughter of a dental hygienist and a dentist (okay, that was probably a fairly predictable meet-cute), 7th Day Adventists who worked during her childhood as missionaries in Africa & Asia (while performing dental services), who worked for the Bush admin (from Wikipedia, not The Atlantic, which - hey - thanks for

It’s his own fault. If he lived in the US, he wouldn’t have had health insurance so he couldn’t have had surgery. Problem solved.

And let’s not forget how bad the attendance numbers look once you account for the fact that Philip Rivers’ family is responsible for filling half of the seats.

Isle keep that in mind.

He’s never going to pay, but everyone with a functioning brain cell already knew that, regardless of the outcome of the test.

If you do this on a White iPhone, it also posts bail and changes your current Facebook profile photo to your First Communion photo.

“I like a beer...”

The horse’s name?  Brett Kavaneigh 

I guess that clears space in his calendar then.

No need to apologize for something no one needs to be sorry for.

empowered boobs are the best boobs

+1 for your Stargate reference.

Fuck you Ralph.

The company gives us Macbooks to work with at the office, and I think most of us independently already had Macbooks or other laptops prior to starting the job. And it’s still more convenient on any given day not to have to lug around a computer if you don’t need to!

It is a high smug producing vehicle. 

+1 for the cunnilinguist