
that should be basic rights anywhere

I have a crawl space that I covered with plywood. Skunks did not care and dug the ground underneath the plywood edge to get into the space. Cayenne pepper around the perimeter keeps them away for a couple of weeks. Also each time I hear noise in the yard, I go out with a really bright flashlight and yell at them. They

14EEE? Sir, the clown shoe section is over there...   I hear your pain, I have a friend who is 6'6" and he said that the shoe section for his size look terrible, limited in choices and also never on sale.

you can go to the hardware store and buy nice new plates of different colors and save yourself all this aggravation.

In Europe companies are fined for inconveniencing their customers that way, but in the US it would be called communism and politicians are scared to push for it.

He came alright

She was also pretty wooden in Ex-Machina, lol

Pirates and faceless men connected? I don't see it at all, pirates compared to skilled assassins. Just because it was wearing a creepy mask?

Fucking creepy.

Did she post the auctions on Twitter, he has a lot of Internet children who would love to get their hands on these pictures

TIFU, today I fucked up

yeah but it’s going to make a shit ton of money

yeah, the writer has to make a living but half ass posts like these are why I stopped reading Lifehacker regularly. It used to be my go-to site when I wake up and I would read a few cool articles. Now it’s a few slideshows of crap, with maybe one interesting read a week.

Go ahead and wax poetic about the boy wonder until creepy stories about him come out eventually.

ahh, these nuts and not DEEZ NUTZ

If you search for all articles from this “writer” you will find out that they are all half-assed weekend hackjobs

Texas HOA seems like it would a nightmare of Karens. And I am a Texan

yeah so, the US model looks like it is trying to be a RAV4 mini, the Japanese one wants to be Prius. Both are frumpy looking and visually unattractive, but then again I’m old

still uncool if they liked having you as supervisor.

In today’s episode of white people eating tacos....