Giant touchscreen can go fuck itself: mostly slower than twisting a knob, the software running it crashes often and good luck changing HVAC settings while driving.
Giant touchscreen can go fuck itself: mostly slower than twisting a knob, the software running it crashes often and good luck changing HVAC settings while driving.
Shut up party pooper
ok I like that scene but what’s the appeal of Succession apart from entitled brats throwing out MBA catchphrases? Is that it?
They should pass a law to charge pregnant women twice for admission in movie theatres, airplanes etc. At that point I’m hoping white women will rebel against the fetal personhood idea
did you say “Gauche”? hey all, there’s a wealthy elite member here!
ok just because she’s naked does not give consent to be groped, was being groped part of her contract? No? then shut the fuck up.
you got to save money somewhere
Did you say DARWIN?
those sliding doors slide down, I did not know that. Amazing
sometimes, it’s the water quality but most of the time is because those fish are bred to the extreme and many are born with defective organs etc.
In such a small volume, like 5 gallons, yes, 10% /week is what I would do.
also the tinier the aquarium, the more important water changes are so that the fish don’t die in their own piss
The Sentra images are courtesy of HYUNDAI? maybe you all need an editor/reviewer?
Because US politicians think it buys them part of the Jewish population votes in FL and NY
car writer with no driver’s license? It’s getting worse and worse out there, lol
Savon de Marseille is the best!
yes apparently our Supreme Court does not even pretend to know basic laws, such as standing for example:
no worries, I should have added something to indicate I was kidding.
I know, that was a joke for a good use of tinfoil instead of on the head.
when you are done with your tin foil hat you can also use it around your keyfob.