Jane Doh

He is

Mc Donald’s apple pies are delicious tho. That is the total of what I have to say about Kanye’s poem.

Bad idea, Hillary. Justin doesn’t ever miss a chance to make things all about him, no matter how stupid he looks. The guy is a grade A level attention whore. Every single photo from the fundraiser will be something like this (replace Jessica with Hillary):

Why did Sesame Street send out a blank tweet?

You know you’ve fucked up when Courtney fucking Love tells you to grow up.

Some public goods should not be run for a profit. Prisons are one of those things. Some would argue that healthcare is also one of those things, but I digress.

Fucking finally.

Ugh, I have no patience for the the feminists who are pro this ban. It’s as not okay to force a woman out of certain clothes as it is into them. And also, it won’t work. Make it so that I can only go swimming if I’m dressed not to my religious standards and I just won’t go swimming.

Make Ear Cuffs Great Again?

Has any man ever admitted to date rape?

Blake can't count all the way to 10.

I concur, I was harassed by a colleague and was encouraged to report it by other coworkers who hate the guy. I now regret it, it was a massive time-suck for me, and the harasser got less than a slap on the wrist, which has only emboldened him.

What she fails to realize is that she had the privilege of being able to call up her high-powered attorney to get him to back off. If she hadn’t, she likely would have been in the same situation as all the other women. Not everyone has access to the resources that Ross had.

Let’s be real, he’s not planning on being at the debates.

Okay Blake

“Punish women who get abortions.”
“Register all American Muslims.”
“Deport every single illegal immigrant.”
“Bring back torture.”
“America’s military is a disaster.”

Comrad. Go home.

We just need Hannibal Buress to make a joke about Woody Allen. Then the shit will hit the fan.

I also like the “it’s gotten very quiet in here” line. Calling out the cowardice of Hollywood.