Jane Doh

Normally I’d agree on who can blame her, but a billion a year in Sercret Service protection rankles me. And the target she puts on Manhatten.

Industrial crane? More like something from a toy construction set.

What intelligent person would go before a press corps and propose a cyber bullying prevention campaign, when said person is married to the most prolific cyber bully on the planet?

*pukes all over my shoes*

Donald calls it a “kazoo?”

How long before it’s just going to be Ivanka on a kazoo?

What a shame. She’d have been the perfect speech writer for Melania.

She didn’t need a lot of words. The ones she stole were great. Fantastic. Only the best words.

I can’t imagine wanting to watch the video and then afterwards thinking it’s something that needs to be shared.

A veteran criminal gang with 3 women and a 72 year old master counterfeiter? Can we get a show about them? They sound infinitely more interesting than the Kardashians.

The whole country has thrown its reputation down the drain. Why shouldn’t our institutions of higher learning?

The only name I recognized was “Sade.”

I had a cousin who was schizophrenic and it wasn’t an onslaught per se it was a series of violent episodes that led his diagnosis.

I would leave my partner for supporting Trump and I wouldn’t have to think hard about it.

3 am Saturday Morning.

What’s the Over/Under on how long it will take for Trump to attack Professor Clark on Twitter?

She’s stopped being a literal impression of Kellyanne and become an avatar for all of us.

This young woman also nailed it:

It doesn’t HAVE TO break new ground. All it has to do is speak the truth about this cult out loud, in front of a very large audience. And then say it again. It needs to be told over and over again. These crooks and their crimes need the light shone on them constantly, without respite.