
I never meet anyone like you in their physical form. It’s like you are all cowards or something.

Project much?

When you break certain norms which are supposed to be held mutually by civilized people, you’ve basically opted out of civility. Actions which would be considered uncivil become acceptable for civil people. If I want my neighbor’s XBox, and I bust into his place and take it, nobody expects him to treat me with

Reginald Fields, 12, is the proud owner of Mr. Reggie’s Lawn Cutting Service, and with the help of his cousins, brothers and sisters, he has been cutting lawns and cleaning up yards this summer in Maple Heights, Ohio, WEWS-TV notes.


Sure “Paisano”. Def one of the finest and best known Aboriginal family names of all time. How many major racial human classifications are there? Read a fucking book.

This false equivalence shit has me seathing. We were talking about this earlier at lunch. Auntie Maxine has been around for a long time.

Like that time Chris Hansen got you to “Hey Kool Aid” for a 12 yr old?

please dont denigrate those shirt cuff’s embroidery IQ.

look you are evil and i like you

Which party has supporters who advocate genocide and Nazi philosophy?

please don’t denigrate that generic fictional toddler’s IQ.

imagine how easy it is for the Russian spies *he doesn’t already hang out with* to get through?

According to Melendez, he called the White House switchboard and made it through two call screens before Jared Kushner called him from Air Force One. Kushner transferred the podcast host to the president. Trump spoke to Melendez about a range of topics, including immigration, the North Dakota Senate race, and his

Professional graphic designer and art director here... If Mr. Reggie’s Lawn Cutting Service would like a professional logo and few other little graphic elements to help him take things to the next level, I’d be happy to help.  I specialize in helping startups get to where they are going.  How can I reach out and ask

Fcuk that lady. I’m not wasting energy on her or her bullshit beyond this sentence.

We live in a world where I am relieved that I am not the worst kind of person because I would have just let the kid keep cutting my grass for free....

A scam is too ethical to continue to con you out of your racist self’s money.