
Yeah, remember all that civility bullshit we were debating last week? This, RIGHT HERE, is pretty much why all the pearl clutching in favor of playing nice is bullshit. It doesn't matter what we do. Any form of protest is too much protest for them. So just fucking protest.

Seven brutal words of beautiful truth, friend

This is why you don’t negotiate with terrorists. The first concession is never enough.

The same people who call liberals “snowflakes”, are big mad that some people took a knee during their precious anthem when they would normally take a piss break.

Says the person who registered just to do this.

I’d rather live in a country that lives up to the motto scrawled on a 300 foot monument by telling nativist pansies exactly where they can take their xenophobia and shove it.

What do you think a white supremacist is? What would qualify as evidence for you? Does somebody have to know he’s a white supremacist to be one? What is the practical difference between a person who supports and seeks to protect a system that allows white supremacy to thrive (i.e., that results in racist and white

Yeah, I saw this story and thought “this lady had enough and just snapped, and had to do something dramatic to show she couldn’t stand taking children from their parents.” When conservatives snap they just shoot up a crowd, or drive a car into a crowd, or find some way to start harming others.

Climbing the Statue of Liberty is not civil!

There’s just too much bullshit in such a short segment to unpack it all. To me, the most egregious line was about how she was welcomed into our country. I mean, Tucker Carlson and his viewers certainly don’t welcome her or anyone from her continent into our country. 

You missed out the best line, where he says this is a sign of “growing extremism”.

I regret to inform you that Tucker Carlson, a thumb with a face and Fox News’ resident white supremacist,

Setting aside the racism thing, does that woman look even remotely threatening? She looks like the world’s friendliest librarian.

What an asshole. McCarthyism? Really? Alan you’re not being falsely charged by the government for your views. Your rights are in no way being trampled on. You’re just an asshole and people don’t want to be acquainted with you because of the dumb shit you say.

Eh, to me they should’ve gone with the book and leaned into the “black and brown people get shipped off to restart slavery” with all that’d entail - drive the point home that white evangelical Christianity just wants to go back to the ‘good ol’ days’ and the bullshit therein and drives towards equitable treatment at

Pro-Tip: If you live on Martha’s Vineyard, and your instinct AT ANY TIME is to bitch about persecution, STFU and walk out onto your fucking veranda.

Can you even imagine dropping this kind of self-own? He’s not even pretending he’s being bullied by the state, or the larger culture, or some organized mob. Just straight up, “my friends won’t hang out with me anymore.” What the fuck could be inside a person to make them think they should publicize that?

A long time supporter of racist policies and governments in Israel, which really puts his love for bigotry and illiberalism in clear view. Dershowitz would and probably has defended the IDF shooting Palestinian children.

Waaaaaaa cry motherfucker. Free speech, and it goes both ways, how about some CONSEQUENCES of your own, Alan DURshunBITCH!

 Twitter is taking his butt to chuch