
As if she wasn’t already [being blamed for everything].

Auntie needs to have her legal team call-out hannety, and soon. Surely there is a lawful way to present a lawsuit of some sort for his outrageous and outright lying statements against her this very day.

So this was all because some fragile white man lost a court case against the paper 6 years ago, because they published an article about how he stalked a woman online. He wanted revenge because he’s a fragile white man, but somehow Sean Hannity wants to turn this into a political thing?.... This fragile little

“Maxine black Waters black woman black liberal woman black black. I mean black really? Black!”

Yeah, I’m sure the person who chose to attack the offices of a newspaper was incited by Maxine Waters and not by the guy who cries FAKE NEWS!!!!! whenever somebody notices the shitty things he’s doing. I’m just SURE.

Meanwhile Maxine has had to cancel upcoming appearances in Texas and Alabama because of multiple threats to lynch and/or shoot her. Civil!

You have people saying he can’t be a white nationalist because he’s Jewish, as if that means anything. Netanyahu’s son shared Internet posts from neo-Nazis.

Try to keep up, racist.

Stephen Miller held fund raisers for Richard Spencer, who is an all out white supremacist.

Exactly. “White-nationalist” was the word white-supremacists and actual fascists came up with to make their ideology sound more palatable.


I mean why the fuck not? Just do it already Fox/Trump we know you all want to. Their fervent base would be like "yeah right on!". Calling people "animals" or "an infestation" was pretty clear to begin with.

and, frankly, your published film criticism at the time was lacking nuance. yeah i said it!

He seemed like he was on the up & up

during the scene in which Helen and the husky-voiced Evelyn unwind and simply talk, woman to woman, I hate to think, but watch out for flying popcorn

Plus that motherfucker’s voice is so creepy and evil sounding. I’m sure someone told the WH that the audio clips of Miller would be used in every ad for Democrats for the midterms and would be extremely effective, so they balked.