
“The Bible justifies this policy, but our barbaric enforcement of it is the Democrat legislative minority’s fault!”

His speech pattern is so goddamned confounding. You’d think a businessman or politician of some renown could speak clearly and concisely but here we are with a President who sounds like a fifth grader giving an oral book report every time he opens his mouth. It doesn’t help that the book is Mein Kampf.

Jezeus! Trump in full-on fascist dictator mode. All he’s missing is the gawd uniform.

The USA was founded by a bunch of immigrants who decided they didn’t want to pay their king taxes. Donald Trump himself is only a 2nd generation American, his family came from Europe when they ran away from war. His (third..) wife is an illegal immigrant.

Well one brain surgeon might, or he’s asleep and just agreeing sometimes.

What even is a Space Force? I mean, are they going to fight all the other Space Forces that enemy countries have?

“I am so good at tenses. Look at all the tenses I know!”

They’re obstruction. They’re really obstructionist. And they are obstructing.

We don’t need to resurrect the space race fool. We just need to be involved. There’s been a cooperative effort since 1998. 

Pence?! I thought that son of a bitch was the specter of death. Damn you ruined my whole day.

But it’s not surprising in the least.

How do people sat at a table with this guy even not throw up a little bit in their own mouths? I mean regardless of the point of the meeting if anyone even the president spouted such bullshit in front of me, I’d get up and leave.

Assorted Musings

Actually he’s doing very, very well. We’re just not believing that he’d go through this trouble to speak on this subject when he has a better subject and audience to speak to. BUT! You have to consider he’s campaign stumping. He’s speaking to his base. That’s all he’s doing. This is a magnum opus to them. This is what

I’m starting to think Trump is very bad at this.

nah, if she says: “that’s how he is” say : “he is trying to hurt my feelings. Deliberately. Or do you know any way in which using “you’re a retard” is not abusive?

Re: Dumb and Angry

Others have already said most of what I wanted to say (and in many cases, said it better than I ever could have), so I’ll keep this brief (for me, anyway):

1.) You are not dumb. Your letter alone is evidence that you are a person who thinks deeply about his life, the people in it, and the actions he

LW1, I went to 6 and a half years of college and have two degrees. I’m 30 right now, still paying off student loans, and neither of them have done me a damn bit of good. I guess I’m proud I completed them, but I’m honestly still figuring out if they were even worth it to begin with. If I ever get a decent job in my

I find it really difficult to explain this exact same thing to others, mainly because of my own amount of (debt-creating) education. But I completely agree.

I have to say, I don’t like the way the first letter writer talks down his intelligence. Education isn’t the litmus test for intelligence. Flaunting degrees is like telling people your IQ. It’s ultimately meaningless in most circumstances.