
Except they’re also technically wrong because they’re detaining asylum seekers who arrived at a port of entry to declare asylum, which is not illegal, per my understanding of the issue.

Uhh...this article is about splitting up families. There’s nothing about crossing the border unlawfully being a crime that necessitates them taking children away from their parents. Also, many of the people this is happening to are NOT crossing illegally, but are seeking asylum at the border, which is very much

Man, I don’t know how these Christians look at themselves in the mirror and not combust into flames in eternal hellfire.

Nah. The racists are having a brief moment of glory with trump. We’ll deal with them when we’re done with him.

Considering they are using Milo being protested as one if the catalysts and he was dropped from Breitbart over comments supporting pedophilia it’s not that much of a leap

I don’t watch any of this shit. But the two are not the same, not even close.

Once again, conservatives prove that their problem isn’t with affirmative action as a concept, it’s that (in their view) it helps the wrong people. Asking for intellectual consistency is of course suppressing their right to free speech though, so I guess it’s off to the gulag for me.

It’s telling that the bogeyman for modern conservatives is an organization whose stated position (and name!) is the opposition of fascism.

Nazis don’t promote mass murder?

My takeaway from this story: Woody Kaine is pretty dope, and as boring and awkward as Tim Kaine is, it looks like he raised his kid right.

Why are these white “supremacists” such scared little bitches?

Jesus jumped up Christ. Here’s a hint, the fucking Nazi is the worst person in this scenario.

Anti Fathers? Anti Factory? Anti Faith? What does it mean, anyways?! Why would Tim Kaine hate fathers? Does Tim Kaine want to kill my father? Does Tim Kaine want to kill all fathers? Planned Parenthood 2: Sell Your Dead Dad? Just asking questions.

The mind of Donald J Chump in a nutshell.

Yes, and the evidence of that being a thing with the Clinton Foundation is where, exactly? The AP report was complete garbage.

Dear Rest of The Country that claims to be real Americans not a bunch of coastal elites:

Pinned to my page....

But, but, but...... ANTIFA!

Apparently our govt is too busy trying to find ways to house children of immigrants ripped away from their parents to be able to focus on it’s own citizens that are homeless.

Another male fashion designer calling a famous woman ugly. 🤮 Go to hell Stefano, you are ugly on the inside.