
And isn’t deporting people’s grandmas really what America is all about?

So they’re creating an entirely new office to go after “a few thousand” people, or 0.001% of the population. Even their evil is wasteful.

He’s already talked about revoking citizenship for people who won’t respect the flag, and his advisors have said citizenship should be revoked for Muslim-Americans. I think we should be afraid.

It will be dedicated to looking for people who may have cheated to obtain their citizenship and stripping them of it. Think of it as terrorization by paperwork.

Step by step. Inch by inch. First, it’s “illegals.” Then, it’s “shouldn’t be citizens.” Next, it’ll be “don’t deserve citizenship.” Before long, everyone’s right to live here will be at the government’s whim. Don’t salute the flag and sing the anthem? Criticize the president? Out you go.

And it was always going to be this way, and we were warned, and not nearly enough voters heeded that warning in 2016.

Awesome.(/s) As a naturalized citizen I could see this coming a mile away. I even joked about him coming after any citizens who immigrated. Then going after the children of immigrants.

The act of the government denaturalizing citizens is rare and, while traditionally used against Nazis, will instead...

Occam’s Razor indeed. If I set aside all of my preconception about what I THINK Trump is, then I can’t come up with any other reasonable explanation. Alienating all of our allies, fostering relationships with Russia, getting into an economy-crushing trade war with said allies, the push to readmit Russia to the G7/8,

Are these tactics from “The Art of the Deal”? He’s all huffy and puffy because no ones is backing down from him. His rep as a deal maker (which he touted quite frequently during the election) looks tarnished for now because his trading partners didn’t blink. He’s finding out that negotiating in the confines of a

New England could fit right in with the Maritimes...

He doesn’t give a shit that US workers are going to be out of a job if he keeps this up. He just keeps on with the “I’m doing this for you!!!” but when they’re out of jobs, then what? Oh, I guess he’ll just ignore that and say the US economy is doing better than ever and he’s created tons of jobs.

He’s just jealous that Ivanka wants Justin

I loved Bourdain for a lot of reasons, but this might be the top of the list. The biggest deal about it, to me, was that he changed over the past 20 years, too. Kitchen Confidential was written by a guy who respected women who managed to survive in a restaurant kitchen, but wasn’t all that interested in asking why

Same. My late husband was a huge Anthony Bourdain fan. He had a man crush on him and would have been devastated by today’s news. I don’t know if I believe in heaven, but I like to think that my husband was anxiously waiting at the entrance for Bourdain, ready to ask him a thousand questions and hoping to be his new

Today’s Trump quote: “With that being said, Russia should be in this meeting,” he said. “Why are we having a meeting without Russia being in the meeting?”

I had not heard this yet, and a quick search informs me that, yes, it leaked that Donald Trump’s biggest complait is that he can’t watch porn in the White House. I guess that’s why he spends like 3 days a week at his golf clubs.

True. Trump’s problem is not the result of a learning disability, it’s the result of pure, unbridled intellectual sloth. It has nothing to do with how the information is presented and everything to do with the fact that he really doesn’t fucking care and thinks it’s all bullshit, anyways.

The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo...