
Those numbers aren’t terribly useful for much of anything.

Why not? In my experience, veterans and honor students get special study rooms that only they can access. So do musicians (is anyone else allowed to study in a practice room, even though all students pay for the facilities?) It’s not a hill to die on, really.

To add to this point, I recently read an article that stated 94% of people who post statistics about feminism with no citation are super into incest porn, which would explain it’s relative popularity.

I can’t even with people saying Roseanne’s cast mates are stifling her free speech. She has free speech, but so does everyone else. No government officer is knocking down her door to give her problems, silence her, or lock her up. The first amendement only protects you from the government, not from being shit-canned

Because it never really *was* about “respecting our troops” or “respecting our anthem.” They just hate to see black men protesting during their “Murica/football/fuck ya!!” jerk fest.

What did she expect them to say? “We’re totally OK with Roseanne tweeting racist comments!!”??? How does she expect them to defend what she herself has admitted was an indefensible statement? She admits she fucked up, but somehow she also expects her cast mates to deny she did anything wrong.

Now playing

Something has really been bugging me lately.

I wonder how this insanity happens and then remember that Annie Lennox already explained it to me. This has never not been true.

so she ended the relationship with him, tried to be professional and he went crazy. He has now resorted to saying the university/affirmative action and title XI are all anti-male... hell have no fury like a man scorned.

I know that copy-editing and proofreading aren’t valued in the fast-paced world of online journalism, but I honestly couldn’t parse this the first five times I read it:

But, but, but....Black rappers saying the “N” word!

editor’s note: MBC in real life is a middle aged White male with a biracial son and and a cute chubby grandson, and even with that in my lineage I don’t assume that it’s OK for me to drop the “n-bomb”

How can you be a champion for human rights when you describe yourself as someone who can’t emotionally relate to other people and is generally apathetic?

Hyper-logical seems like code for sociopath.

Ah, logic. That perfect descriptor of human beings and their interactions, which when applied hyper-rigorously always leads to just and sensible outcomes. Never fails.

Dagney Taggart fell for her own shit AND John Galt’s shit, she would undoubtedly fall for this shit.

That definitely sounds like something that might be glossed over for the sake of “teen audience appeal,” considering how eager fans were to embrace Snape as a Good Guy. Speaking of which, he had more than a little bit of Nice Guy Syndrome going on, eh? Ironically, of course, since he wasn’t ever actually “nice,” but

The movie version of Half-Blood Prince is trash. Rickman played the title character but the film never shows why this is important.

Just wondering: when he eats the flying insects, does he spit out the crunchy exoskeletons and wings, or do they just pass through, undigested?