
Some happy news to finish off a long day.

Do they at LEAST include a copy of the letter that Drumpf sent Kim today? It was a whole three paragraphs, for one thing (boy, his lips must have gotten SO tired while he was writing so many words!).... And it has the desperate, desperate stench of “I’m breaking up with you before you can break up with me, but if you

Pretty much. Everything he does is a success in him and his supporters’ minds. Even if the thing he did never happened, even if the thing he said was wholly wrong, its always a massive success.

That disclaimer, which may be the stupidest thing I’ve ever read, perfectly encapsulates the mind of Trump and Trump supporters.

Singapore Summit Coins, the official currency of the post-apocalyptic hellscape. (that’s why they look like bottle caps)

We are all laughing now, but wait until your uncle slaps one of these on the thanksgiving table in 2022 and claims the summit did happen because “looky here snowflake, if it didnt happen then why do I have this!?”

Wait ‘til Trump orders the Post Master General to issue the Heroes of Bowling Green Massacre commemorative stamp series.

The stamp collectors are really going to lord this over the coin collectors at this year’s Philatelists-Nusmismatists Softball Wine Mixer

It is also an incredibly apt symbol of the alternative universe all Trumpanzees live in.

Also on sale - The Commemorative 2020 trump reelection coffee mug*

Isha why didn’t you show the back of the coin too?

I’m buying one. It’s going to be a nice reminder of how everything went to hell.

“Fake news” bad, fake history good.

Paranoid Hannity is the best Hannity. Remember that time when his Twitter account got locked or something like that, and at like 5 AM he was posting messages like “Did you get a good night’s sleep? I DIDN’T! I will not REST until my account is restored!”

Yeah, it was excellent, and really contrasted Mueller and Trump — both born well-to-do at about the same time, one volunteers to lead Marines in combat and spend most of his adult life in government service while the other gets bone spur deferments and spends his life as the poster boy for greed and narcissism.

In case you missed it, there’s a fascinating Wired article about Mueller’s tour in Vietnam that puts a lot of this in perspective. Reading it, you can’t help but imagine how Mueller is plugging away on the investigation without being the least bit deterred by all this abuse being heaped on his head.


Thank you for this. Thank you for giving us a link to send people when we want to pull our hair out with frustration and we don’t have the energy to perform the emotional labor of lamenting all this for the millionth time. Thank you for this straightforward corroboration of everything we want to scream in people’s