
I think they’re going to rebrand it as “sparing Melania the humiliation. Why do you awful libs keep bringing up her husband’s moment of weakness and making her relive that awful moment? For shame, libs. For shame.”

Also, after the WH press corps soiled itself over Michelle Wolf calling Sarah Sanders a liar, Giulani just confirmed that, yes, she’s been lying to them for months. Do you think any of them will call her on it?

A truly amazing two sentences. “These accusations are totally false and we will also investigate really super hard to see if they are false.”

Was the administration ever critical of the lack of black athletes on the golf team?

“...baseless accusations against the school and administration. Any concern about racism or racial insensitivity is taken seriously and investigated fully.”

Without even stopping to take a breath.

What’s the over-under on the Right’s hatred for Wolf being rooted in their assumption that she’s black?

Shorter all these reactions:

Until Reince Priebus comments on how bad Trumps comments were he can shut up. Until someone reacts to the last line she spoke, about Flint not having clean water, they can all shut up. Until they get over being butt hurt by a comedian picking on all of them they can shut up.

So these GOP nitwits get all agitated, and whine about how their pwecious feewings were hurt...and seem to have forgotten their own behavior just an election cycle ago..

I’m going to be super-lazy and repost this here, because apparently Michelle’s right to say what needs to be said to the faces of those who can’t take it has to be addressed (obviously, she struck a whole gusher of nerves):

Maybe not, but only one side has continuously dismissed criticism by saying “Oh, he was being sarcastic” or “Oh, that was a joke” or “Oh, don’t be so serious,” while also regularly getting offended at Starbucks Christmas cups and taking umbrage to any actual jokes aimed at them. Remember, this entire presidency

I think the other part where people interpreted it that way is her saying “I loved you as Aunt Lydia in The Handmaid’s Tale, but that was definitely more about the context of that show and the parallels to SHS’s position in Trump’s administration.

The party of “Fuck Your Feelings” got their feelings fucked with.

Seriously. She wasn’t making fun of Sander’s lazy eye or her weight or lack of chin. The clothing and make-up choices of a well-off white lady are totally game for jokes, Sander’s has 100% control over that shit. Frankly, I think that the reaction on the right has shown a lot of about how they view Sanders. If she was

Who the fuck is Tim Young? He immediately comes across as a sexist douchebag mad that a woman went up there and killed it with a supremely satirical set and overall is much more relevant than he can ever hope to be. He seems like the kind of guy who really truly believes Michelle Wolf was chosen to host the dinner

and now correspondents and the GOP are complaining that the jokes were mean-spirited

Conservatives in October 2016: It’s just locker room talk!
Conservatives in April 2018: This lady comedian is so vulgar!

Trump also got his crowd to boo the concept of Hispanic people, so maybe that should be the lead story for the media rather than some tame jokes told at a $3,000/plate dinner designed to fund itself and nothing else.

awwww, poor, oppressed conservative snowflakes. Did the lady who is going to spend all of eternity in hell because she doesn’t agree with you hurt your fee-fees?

“Access to sex.” Isn’t that just masturbation? Pretty sure they can do that without “redistribution.”