

I used to lurk the incel forum on reddit before they banned it. Why they haven’t yet banned its replacement, braincels, is beyond me but reddit gonna reddit.

Women being attracted to attractive men someone proves we are “whores”. Yet a man’s right to attractive women can’t even be questioned; the logical conclusion being that they do not believe women should have rights.

How do you reach these kids before they get to a problematic level of harming others?

I could have easily walked the ‘incel’ path in my younger days. I was lonely, rejected and convinced I was hideous. I don’t know when that crossroads came and went, but the people that walked me past it were the women in my life. They became my friends, guides and surrogate sisters. I became a better and braver person

I think Julia Serrano’s insights are vital in this regard, because it’s my understanding that these incels are so dangerous precisely because they’ve so deeply internalized those double-binds that Serrano talks about.

I used to work with young people, and these days you get training on radicalisation (spotting the warning signs, what to do, etc.) and its all about Radical Islam and White Power organisations, as you would expect. I actually raised this stuff, because I’ve come across it on the internet quite a bit and there was this

When I was 8, my parents took me to a shoe store and sat me down in the kids in front of the TV while they went to find shoes for themselves. A man started inching towards me from the corner by the TV and I realized he was exposing himself. I got scared and went to find my mom, but was too scared to tell her what was

God sometimes I’m like this whole internet thing was a huge fucking mistake.

My daughter is eleven. Right now she’s at a phase in her life where her friend group is equally boys and girls and she cherishes them all. There are hints of little crushes here and there, but mostly, they’re still kids.

The incel ideology terrifies me. Because I’ve been that lonely guy, who was unable to date, who was a virgin until his 30s. I had terrible self esteem, and it took a lot of therapy and self improvement to get to a better place in my life. And believe me, there are so many people out there like me, who feel lonely and

Yo but dude seriously trip on this: every word is made up.

I think it was Rick Wilson on The Daily Beast who called Cohen “budget Ray Donovan” and I laughed so hard I damn near choked to death. Cohen is gonna flip so fast.

Productivity would drop like an anchor across the entire nation. We’d be at a complete standstill. I’m in.

We didn’t need Bill Cosby to show us how to be successful, loving families.

Yeah,I immediately thought of the time Cosby had the arrogance to call Murphy up and question the vulgarity of his standup. Who talks like this in court?

“Have a coke and a smile, and shut the fuck up!”

Hey hey’s federal prison!

There have been several pieces on The Root about homophobia within the black community. It could very well be that one of their writers is working on a piece that will incorporate this into a discussion on the broader issue.