
“Keep in mind, Sean Hannity is a talk show host. He’s not under investigation by anyone for anything. Who he hires as a lawyer and why is nobody’s business,” Carlson said. “No judge has a right to violate his privacy or anybody else’s. Those used to be the rules, but the rules have changed.”

I don’t know. Occam’s razor says the whole thing’s more likely part of a liberal conspiracy to prevent Fox from revealing evidence of Hillary’s murder of Seth Rich because he was about to blow the whistle on the Pizzagate pedophiles’ involvement in Benghazi.

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At least the Germans had excuses for their Hitler.

No this is straight up a coward of a man who is too set in his bigoted and criminal ways. He is constantly paranoid of being caught and can never accept that he isn’t liked, he is worse than the guy before. He wants 100% control and is constantly angry he can never and will never be a dictator try as he might.

For what, allowing TOO much freedom of the press? People got sick of competence? Or is it just because black man was elected, the pendulum swung back to racist white guy?

I think the larger picture here is that when you know everything there is to know about a particular journalist, you’re going to find some skeletons buried along the path. The only purpose of knowing this much about anyone is for information warfare, and without a doubt, this will be used to blackmail, coerce, and

As with all things with the Trump administration, you have to look at this through the lens of what is the most nefarious, duplicitous, corrupt, self-serving, and possibly racist explanation, and then take that a few steps further and you’ve got the truth.

If you were to ask them, I expect they would respond something about “regulations”. The GOP seem to have convinced their true-believers that regulations of any sort are an abomination and are holding back the “small business owners” (when really they do silly things like prevent corporate abuse or protect the

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Mick Mulvaney, who is so aggressive about cost-cutting measures that he suggested the quarterly budget be $0

But he WORKED for what he has! He’s EARNED it! He didn’t just get a HANDOUT! Nobody GAVE him ANYTHING!

24 and lives at home? Let me guess, he’s still on his parents health insurance. Is he trying to rip up Obummercare so he can be a big boy and pull himself up by his own insurance?

Republicans are obsessed with teenagers. Look at Roy Moore.

Because he’s court ordered to stay away from the local high schools?

He keeps getting older, but they stay the same age, maaan.

And the kid in me loves the frosting!

The Socialist in me thinks these kids are losers because of their myopic love of capitalism. The Capitalist in me thinks these kids are losers because they’re wasting their time fucking around with college professors when they should be out building something.

Why is a 36 man trolling around a college campus?

“Some of these kids have no real desire to build something on their own,” says Willis, who works for a firm founded by his father.

reporter Katie Jerkovich