
“Words are coming out of my mouth! Words are coming out of their mouths and your mouth! How are my mouth words bad yet your’s and their’s are good? They are all words, made by a human! Unbelievable. So bigoted.”

“That would be all their news programming and other shows such as late-night talk, which is just late-night political so-called comedy.”

Clearly, Smith’s PR person was unavailable to script and approve his emails.

It’s really tough to imagine a more incompetent person than Trump. His entire fucking brand is based on negotiating and dealmaking. Basically every chance he’d had to be a dealmaker he’s shown he’s terrible, but it looked for a while he might have stumbled onto something with DACA. Before September, no budget bill

That Idaho legislation is some sinister shit. “If any of her children have died”? The fuck is that about, if not a veiled threat that women seeking abortions will be investigated to determine if they’ve murdered their other children? Jesus.

You know, they do have a point. Both sides should have been represented on the cover.

Fox has a point. Why aren’t we hearing BOTH sides of this story.
As an adult professional, like many Fox News contributors, I have an opinion that their network is full of clown-ass frauds who are fueled by dog piss. It’s really their only option to let me on their network to express by dissenting opinion. It’s for

That’s got to be the ultimate form of negging a woman, which was no doubt Donald’s intention. If she leaves and never comes back, well, he’s already gotten what he wanted. If she still comes back, well, then he knows all he needs to know about that woman.

Apparently that’s a standard page in his “manipulate women” handbook - offer to pay (basically, make her feel cheap and awkward) and then tell her she’s special when she declines like a normal person typically would. You’re a special lady! Not like all those other cheap floozies. Here, have a plastic Trump visor as a

Ivanka must feel so special that her father agreed on-air with Howard Stern that she is a “piece of ass”.

But there really wasn’t any difference between Trump and Hillary.

Tucker and Mike Pence have this resting, forever-confused face. it’s condescending and annoying AF.

Carlson sure says a lot as though it is fact without backing it up. Human beings are designed to be incredibly resilient and adaptable to new circumstances. I mean, he does realize that things are also way different for the Hispanics that are moving to Hazleton, right? Human beings, with their grand design, have been

Why does Fox News still have advertisers???

If nothing else you have to give the man credit for knowing his audience.

This. Precisely. This is what he’s doing. It’s fucking white-supremacy with a thin veneer of deniability. Nobody on the left should be falling for this shit.

Oh, fachrissakes, Tucker, just cut to the chase and start screaming “WHITE GENOCIDE” for 10 minutes solid. That’s what you really mean, and that’s the audience you’re addressing.

So a white dude spent the month blowing up a city but its the immigrants we should fear.

“Our leaders are for diversity, just not where they live,” Carlson said.