
On a side note, I think Stormy Daniels’ lawyer is weirdly hot.

And it’s particularly odious coming from him. He couldn’t even remember the name of a slain service member when talking to the widow a few months back. That anyone can >still< support him/believe in him is just...repugnant (? My vocabulary is failing me: I can’t muster the adjectives to describe how awful slimy

Sometimes they can’t even be bothered to put lipstick on their pigs, so they just trot them out and say, “No pig! Fake news!”

North Korea: “Miss, just how much of a racist idiot is your father? On a 10 point scale is he an 8 or a 10?”

The psychology of ppl who have such trouble wandering out of their sphere because their world will fall apart if it changes is what makes them write narrow books so at least in their imagination the world that never existed can in a dry, confused vacuum all about them

Obviously they wanted to hear stories about the people who gave them the gift of death so that they didn’t have to deal with this shitty planet and got to grow up in heaven where there’s universal health care and no mass murders. I’d like to know how the fetuses mature. Is there an angel who is in charge of carrying

In another passage about yet another man, self-described “social crusader” NFL player Zach Morrison

Wow. This article was quite a trip. But that dialogue!

Love this. Trump was gloating on Twitter in all-caps like a complete idiot after the HIC tried to cover for him. Boom, Mueller hits his organization with a subpoena.

Cue up the SNL skit.

The VaJunior Monologues

Mueller has also been working with the IRS. He knows what they’ve been up to through financial records. This is an opening gambit to catch them omitting any information and lying about it. He only needs to catch them in a lie to bring the hammer down on them.

Inside the folder would be a letter,
“No collusions. Promise! Xoxo
- Putin”

That’s hilarious, his father’s presidency ruined his marriage. All the idiot had to do was stay out of his father’s politics, but he could not help himself. He assumed he was part of a political dynasty and had to tweet/retweet whatever insane right-wing conspiracies he came across. His only job was to just sit back

I was much younger in 2005, but I think everything about that wedding was TACKY, even back then. Why are the arm holes on those dresses so big?! Why have they always hated fitted suits? Why the men’s hair? Why those bow ties? WHY, YOU’RE RICH!?

I can’t count how many times I’ve pointed out to people that Breaking Bad could have ended after Episode 2 if Walt actually gave a shit about his family. It’s amazing how many fans completely missed the “I did it for me” part.

In no way does Breaking Bad want you to see Walt as a hero. Pride and selfishness are behind every decision he makes practically and they have no problem making the audience aware of that. All the illness did was free his darker impulses under the guise of having nothing left to lose.

I know. I have only been able to convince one person of this. Like he could have had cancer treatment paid for by his friend but he was too “proud” to accept it. He just wanted to sell drugs because he was like fuck it, I’m dying now I can just be the bastard I have always wanted to be.