
It is hard not to like the Rock. For a guy with the charisma, looks, money, etc, that many of us guys would like to have at least one of, he does come across as a genuinely nice person. I feel that no matter what the roll of the cosmic (or Godly if your prefer) dice give you, it is how you act that ultimately matters.

Because they would have had assholes like you jumping down their throats saying they were lying.

Bill? We’re not convicting him. This is an internet message board. Try to find the part of the constitution that talks about that.

The fact of the matter is that he shouldn’t need evidence he is innocent

Context. I didn’t watch the CNN clip of this so I don’t know how they handled it, but I’ll dip into my thoughts on how media handled the presidential election.

Fucking CNN. Why are you talking to these assholes? They have their own platform. If anyone needs to hear their blather, they can get it straight from them. Stop shilling for these fucks.

Here’s my take; I don’t care about the monarchy (and I’m half British, passport and all) but we’re surrounded by awful, truly shitty news. Seeing a couple (especially when one half is indelibly seared into public consciousness as a sad 12 year old, walking behind his mother’s coffin), who’ve had to overcome racism,

Types like that define dystopia as “any scenario where I am not King of the Universe”

I feel like it was a very quick news story. And of course there has been no mention of the white supremacy. No matter how blatant it is, there is rarely any follow-up on that kind of thing.

Congratulations! I’m glad you had those good things happen. For myself, I got an apartment by myself, I took my own needs seriously and went back to therapy, and I am actually taking pretty decent care of myself. Hooray!

Rather than engage with her I’ve chosen to only speak in Spanish when I see her. It gets fun in the elevators when I walk in saying ¡Buenas Dias! to everyone and they all reply back in Spanish. Except her.

“I’m being left out, excluded, and made to feel lesser, and unwelcome! That’s for me to do to other people, not for them to do to me!”

I think there is a portion of the human race that NEEDS to feel superior to someone else. Whether it’s through ethnic identity or religion or economic status or their job title. The only way they feel complete as a person is if they can feel superior over someone else.

The xenophobe doesn’t even have to experience any actual fear. Just look at their own justifications - they completely fall apart under any sort of rational scrutiny.

“You’re going to be in trouble when I get this letter out.”

The even greater irony is that most of those “second languages” in other nations tend to be variations of English—largely because it’s still basically the Lingua Franca of international business (I believe it’s the most commonly spoken language in the UN, as well).

Of course, some folks will see that and think, “See?

It’s a hilarious statement since winning by 20K votes out of 1.3 million is much more of a win than winning the Presidency by 78K votes out of 130 million.

Earhardt insisted just moments later, Jones’ 20,000+ victory margin is “not that much of a win,” in the first place.

I think the biggest takeaway is to trust the local Democrats to identify candidates that work best for them.

Fox News doesn’t even try to hide this shit anymore. And I’ve got coworkers who will eat this up and spew this back out like it’s fact. They also forget about all of the sexual misconduct fuckery that Fox was apart of before Weinstein.