
My mother, white, grew up all-over the South(born in Louisiana, raised in Arkansas, Texas...). She tought me, her mixed son a lesson I am never to confuse nor forget. She taught me that the Confederate flag means to those who waive it high and proud: once “we” had the right to; rape, kill, whip, own, and work you

Not to mention those pictures are from before the country at large decided all people with confederate flags = racists.

I think they don’t even understand how they are racist to begin with.

If you feel like it it must be true, which means the label on those pants has to be fake news. It’s a conspiracy by the manufacturer.

Yeah no that’s not true. There are a disturbing number of confederate flags in the south but “almost every person in the south” does not have one. Not even close. Don’t defend these racists by saying well everyone down here is racist so it’s a wash.

I sell insurance. White, black, Asian, Latin@ the thing I hear most when we bring up life insurance for kids is “why would they/I/we need that?” And for your ignorant ass co-worker, the family we have here who DOES have life insurance on all their kids? They’re a black family with three kids of their own and eight

Yea regardless of the mom being a bigot hopefully the kid will be left alone...Actually I’m hoping he learns something from this mess.

Two things:

The flag represents The Confederacy. The Confederacy was a government started explicitly in order to keep slavery around. So yes, if you take pride in the Confederate Flag, you are a racist. If someone is too fucking stupid to understand what the flag means, that doesn’t absolve them.

And that’s not even true, either...the South has been grappling with the flag issue for decades. Black Southerners. - and others - have pointed out that the flag is racist for years and years now. It’s only been recently that the country at large via the Internet has taken notice, but it’s not a new issue, and it

The Confederate flag has been racist basically since the Civil War. It’s not the internet’s fault the South only just caught on to that.

It’s insane. Not being American, I really can’t grasp why the South can’t just get over the fact that they were wrong, they lost the war and they need to move the fuck on. If a German today tried to defend nazi times and claim the swastika is just a symbol of their rich history and that the Third Reich wasn’t all

Some of the most racist white people I know will not only look you in the eye and tell you that they are not racist but are legitimately horrified by the mere accusation that they are.

Hey, we’re in the South. This is Tennessee. There are Confederate flags all over the place.

You know what’s really disrespectful to the flag? Glorifying a flag of traitors.

I don’t see how that’s an insult unless you can actually compel the person go make a sandwich. Otherwise, you’re just pointing out that they do not take orders from you and, in fact, ignore your commands.

I think your comment proves you are a paranoid MRA idiot.

“I mean if this is all about women’s rights. … It’s a little poke at them, a little bit,” he told the AP. “I mean, I think they made this into a publicity stunt, and this is my life.”

Holy shit are you giving this turd a ton of credit... Let’s be honest, he found it between the cushions of the couch he sleeps on.

That’s goals.