
My Twitter account was permanently suspended because I told the President that he “molests collies.” True story. Twitter told me that my account will not be restored because they viewed the tweet as “hate speech.”

The little blue bird just verifies that, say, @SethRollinsWWE is actually the WWE wrestler publicly known as Seth Rollins and not just some catfish with a few pictures or somebody else with the same name. It proves you are who you say you are, that’s all.

I don’t think you have a firm grasp of what that comic (I called it yours because you shared it) is arguing. The form of free speech it espouses isn’t internally consistent; demanding access to a platform removes editorial control from the owners of the platform, so you’ve impeded their right to speech in order to

It’s also pretty ironic that neo-nazis, when confronted perceived “oppression”, compare their “opressors” to nazis. The lack of perspective and self-awareness is staggering. But I guess if they were capable of either of those things, they wouldn’t be white nationalist shitheads in the first place.

But you have the right not to support the platform. You can call them out, you can stop using them, whatever. You and the OP seem to be making the argument that Twitter is part of the public infrastructure, even though you understand it’s not public. I am well aware that our society depending so much on these modes of

Honestly that doesn’t worry me very much, because the tools for creating communications platforms are so cheap and easy to access. Of course if net neutrality gets blown up today ease of access becomes a much larger issue.

Because governments are evil. Or at least that’s what corporations tell me.

Badge politics is how the world of Pokemon is governed. The more badges you have from defeating gyms, the more your vote counts and the more direct say you get in important issues in your region. And it’s not a linear progression, someone with 3 badges has roughly twice the power of someone with 2, and someone with 6

So... she said it never happened?

When it’s the only “solution” to problems you see in the world, you naturally think it’s how people are trying to deal with you.

These people still live in virtual High School.

I thought the Holocaust didn’t exist?

Personally, I don’t believe the Twitter Verification Removal really happened. I think it’s just a conspiracy by the far right to drum up pity and support and DO YOU SEE HOW FUCKING STUPID THAT SOUNDS NOW YOU NAZI FUCKS?!

Maybe Laura She Wolf of the Dipshits can devote her life to writing a musical about the horror of losing a blue checkmark: Springtime for Twitter

I love that they’re using twitter to complain about twitter censoring them.

Literally laughed out loud reading her “final solution” bit.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

It has been my experience that those who mock others for being “snowflakes” and/or who say others need to “toughen up” will be the ones who will complain the loudest/cry like little girls/ become total drama queens when when they face consequences for their own actions, or at the hint of things getting tough for them.

I can’t imagine how awful it must be for Nazis to be persecuted and “purged” just for their beliefs. Just awful.