
Apologies if this has been posted before, but Moore’s equally disgusting lawyer tried to insinuate Velshi would have no problem with dating a teenage girl because of his ostensibly Muslim background. Stephanie Ruhle tore him a new one:

To be clear, they’re cracking down on the ONLY side that’s a inherently violent movement that so far has gotten a woman run down and killed by a car, a pizza place attacked with an assault rifle, a church full of black worshippers slaughtered, and that proudly, be it in coded semantics, bills themselves as the new

If you believe in it that much, you’re welcome to try and use the word yourself in a polite way to try and change peoples’ minds about it. But it’s quite difficult to command all people to follow a new direction at your whim. You gotta start from somewhere though, maybe you can be the one to change peoples’ minds.

What the fuck are you on about? You have all the freedom in the world to say that word; no cops are going to throw you in jail for doing so.

Breaking Breaking News: Thousands of Alabamans have begun burning their Bibles and announcing they never really were Christians to begin with and that God is a liberal conspiracy funded by George Soros in coordination with the fake news and Hillary Clinton.

I want to say, “No way!” but.... *sigh*... You’re probably right.

It’s wild to me that this idea of “non-definitive multi-sidedness” can be used to support child molesters and mass murderers, but not black athletes or sexually assaulted women........

Guess the “economic anxiety” isn’t quite bad enough to stop them from buying expensive things as a form of protest.

Remember when they were encouraging each other to go to Starbucks and claim their name was Merry Christmas. It would force Starbucks employees to say Merry Christmas if they wanted to serve the coffee.
These people are happy to pay and inconvenience themselves to make nonsensical point.
Or remember how their defense

Well, fuck Keurig. Apparently there are many, many sides and we can’t take them against child molesters. Even Mitch McConnell came out against Moore. I’m gonna protest them by starting a rumor that Ted Cruz has sex with their coffemakers.  

Except in this case, they are like “he was so nice. I know he killed some people, but that’s just an outlier. We all make mistakes. He’s still a great guy!”

Your kind is dying and we’re feasting on your tears.

Thanks for contributing to repository of shitbag comments children in 50 years will laugh at.

Sorry, snowflake. Change is hard, we know.

Some white people seem to assume any time a non-white person gets something that they didn’t it’s discrimination because the non-white person couldn’t have possibly deserved it. And if anyone were to suggest that this line of thinking might be rooted in racist ideology, well that’s just more anti-white propaganda.

I’m glad the book recants the nuances.

You’re worried about the fact that your kid is competing for the very last spot and couldn’t beat out a non-white kid, and ignoring the fact that he couldn’t beat out white applicants that were accepted? And conservatively for elite colleges, that would be about 50% of the accepted applicants.

No longer getting preferential treatment is not the same as actual discrimination, assholes.

For the eight year period beginning January 20, 2009, non-Hispanic whites made up over 60% of the population, but made up ZERO PERCENT of U.S. Presidents. How do you explain that except for anti-white discrimination? Oh, I suppose that massive disparity is just a “coincidence.”