
He deleted the additional comments and threats he made to me...Including a video of himself holding a rifle and starring into the camera memacely. I reached out to the FBI the next day, but he had erased everything and blocked me. This was the only screenshot I was able to grab. I use the F-word in my comment, so

Ah yes—the covfefe hypocritical bullsh!t strikes again. “People threaten Donald Trump all the time...” stfu! This is about YOU threatening the congresswoman. And whilest I loathe Orangina Trump, threatening him is wrong and bizarre too. For once I’d like these Dotards to take responsibility for what THEY do and stop

“The Trump calling things ‘mean’ threat is very real right now.”

I reasonably convinced that at this point Trump could tweet out “Everyone who voted for me is a fucking moron” followed by “There is no god and religious people are retards” followed by “I’m going to ban owning guns and you can’t stop me” followed by “ha ha I’m fucking you all so hard and you still love me you

Kim C has done so much though! She has done EVERYTHING- from stage to screen to stage again, from sexy comedies, thrillers and yes, Star Trek! She even took advantage of her time SATC and did a book!

Also, how ‘bout we interview a hundred thousand Obama supporters and let him listen to people wax poetic about how beloved Obama is?

I’m a little disappointed she didn’t add a “you guys” at the end. Because it really does democratize things, you guys! Totally!

I’ll say, I don’t really like Hillary Clinton for a variety of reasons. I voted for her, because I’m no idiot and she was by far the most qualified, best candidate running this time.

No. You can’t make me.

I’m curious about this Jeep. If it was a real Jeep the back window is flexible plastic so tapping it with a baton does nothing. If it wasn’t a Jeep CJ these boys need their white trash card revoked. That’s a big hit too, that card gets you into bars that look like abandoned sheds, 10% off at the moonshiner’s AND the

There are so many mistakes in this I’m not going to talk about them, but I will tell that you deserve to be mocked.

Gene Fears??

You’re so right.

I would just like to raise the point that one of these racist idiots name contains “Gene Fears”.

Right but... are they really concerned about sneers? And didn’t their head guy “love the Wikileaks?” And how does a sneer slash? I guess I was just more baffled by the wording. Thats some shitty writing

It’s barely concealed code for the Liberal Menace that’s going to bring America down. Yes, these people really do think like this. The best part is how the Liberal Menace, unlike this crazy shit, is dividing America.

Now playing

This video might be a little long, but I think it‘s worth posting here. It’s by far the strongest response I’ve seen to Kelly’s speech by traditional press.

Radical right: Shots guns at people,

“whose name and gender are being withheld”