
Hate being president?

Maybe the press should start using the phrase “ A lot of people tell me” instead of using “source(s)”. Then it will be okay, I guess.

Anything he’s ever accused anyone of doing is something he has done personally. He’s not doing that intentionally - he just lacks the brain capacity to imagine behavior foreign to himself. He understands people only insomuch as he can project himself onto them.

Seriously— he’s whining about how the press only ever has negatives things to say about him, but then he ever does only negative things.

If he can’t take the heat, then get out of the kitchen. He does know that he can quit, right? Then he can play all the golf he wants.

There’s also good polling to show that most republicans would support postponing elections until Trump could guarantee that no illegal votes are cast. What I’m saying is that the only part of the constitution that republicans aren’t ok with taking a shit on is the second amendment.

quick someone tweet to him about how NK is getting help from lunarians and see how long it takes him to actually declare war on the moon

Nobody knows more about sources that don’t exist than Trump. At least that’s what some very smart people tell him.

Well I sure hope all those “pro-Constitution” people will be infuriated by this. Any moment now...

Now playing

They seldom use the term “American values”. It’s usually “traditional values” which can mean anything from religious oppression to anything they can make up to make themselves feel superior to their neighbors. These are the same people who believe in a “strict interpretation” of the Constitution provided the

So. Much. This. He sat there and called them liars to their face and NOT ONE REPORTER mentioned his tweet about Obama wire tapping Trump Tower, or any of the other bazillion bullshit things he’s spewed.

How you can belch and crow about PC liberals robbing people of their first amendment rights and then get up and complain with a straight face about the first amendment rights of the press is beyond me. This man is a fucking idiot.

Thank god the original Constitution is locked up or else he would literally write his name on the damn thing. Then he would say it is ugly and throw it away.

I wouldn’t take Trump’s assessment of what is, or is not, disgusting all that seriously. I’m sure he thinks his balls are just fine.

Has anyone directly asked him a follow-up question on anything? He always talks about how busy he is and how much “work” he’s “doing.” Just once I want to see a reporter ask him for a specific detail about that work he’s doing. “Oh, you’re spending a lot of time working on tax reform? Name one thing about the bill.”

I will never tire of the least honest politician in the history of our country bemoaning the press for accurately reporting about his administration.

The best part about this dude is the fact that he demands that his tweets be taken as Presidential proclamations—except when he’s caught with his hand all the way up his own ass.

At that point, “he was just joking,” or, “it’s Twitter, LOLZ.”

The leader of the United States (and in some circles, the free world—yes, I

The more concerning aspect of this story (and most of the others concerning Trump) is that there are millions of Americans that will now adopt this belief. Republicans and conservatives have already been primed for decades to distrust and dislike any media that says something they don’t like. Trump’s latest fascist

Twice in two weeks the President has been offended by people exercising their rights.

Go ahead Trump supporters, defend him.