
Fuck me. As someone who takes hip hop pretty seriously, I have never been a fan of Eminem (not because he isn’t talented; he clearly is, he just doesn’t appeal to my sensibilities) but this is REAL.

That’s what I thought! I saw the screencap and was like “who is that??”, then saw the headline, and my lady boner wilted into a question mark

When I was coming up in SC, Eminem was like top choice among Confederate flag waving assholes. So hopefully there are some hearts broken about this.

Trump’s base is the ultimate example of what I like to call “Dont read instructions” folks.

I’m so happy he spoke up. Obviously this sleaze happens to men as well and just like us they have their own narratives that keep them from speaking up, and part of that is ‘I am a guy I should defend myself’ type narrative. Someone like Terry saying this happened can help a lot of people because for sure if sexual

She’s putting her name on her statements and calling people out directly big guy. Unlike you hiding and criticizing from the bushes.

I sometimes find it hard to understand the saw that “Sexual assault is about power, not about sex,” mainly because I’m not a sexual abuser and don’t understand how their minds work. This story really clarifies the whole thing for me. Grabbing one of the most physically powerful men on earth in front of his wife

In total fairness, if men could solve their problems by competitive duck-measuring, I think this world would be a lot better place. Let’s not throw this idea away merely because it happens to be a typo.

Can you imagine, Rex says “sure whatever, Betsy find me a number 2 pencil” and then Dumpy backs out because it would be a waste of tax payer money or some shit. Then he’ll wonder why the senate intelligence committee isn’t giving Hillary an IQ test.

We’re way past the abyss, we’re entering abstract and absurd new dimensions of whatthefuckery.

We are in the darkest timeline, as far as I can tell.

Hell, run them through a dementia screen and call it an IQ test.

All of my money. I would give all of my money to watch Trump attempt to take an IQ test; Watching him smile nervously, covering his answers with his hand to avoid ridicule, and making comments about how much harder it is than he thought and how no one else could do better.

JD Salinger - Catcher in the Rye

“Tell me about it. He’s completely forgotten about me, and I’ve been doing some amazing things.”
— Frederick Douglass

forget the tax returns, I want to see the IQ test results

I’m sorry to differ with you, sir, but Trump is the president. He has always been the president. (At least it feels that way.)

As much as I hope both of them trip into an active volcano, I would watch this on pay per view.

I’m so sorry. I have a plan involving us relocating all the men to islands and just dropping off supplies via plane to keep that shit humane, but I worry that even without the men, women have internalized the lie that we are less valuable too much. Plus, then there won’t be any islands left for us.