
A runner up might be the people who claim that virtually any response to the accusation of racism only proves they’re racist. It’s a slick technique to pre-emptively control the debate. And kinda predictable for it’s lack of originality. But it sells in the halls of echo.

MRA’s? Pfffft. Both Neely and I know that the red ones are the best ones. They’re perfect. Dolls, even.

I will probably watch The Mountain Between Us, since Idris, but...I feel like what the film-makers should have really done was take all these ‘crashed with an enemy that we have to collaborate with to survive’ and just...mash them together.

Thank you! Feeling very vindicated regarding arguments from a decade ago right now.

hey, jealousy

yes. It’s an oral history but I do believe Megyn Kelly is looking to put it in a complete volume and sell it on Amazon.

How the f**k should I know? I’m from Brooklyn, fam......

FWIW, given the prevalence in the news cycle (which I don’t necessarily disagree with - this is a big fkin’ deal even with our complacency towards mass gun violence), I think people aren’t saying White Lives Matter because the news is in fact giving every bit of attention to this story. White people break out All

I think a key part of understanding racism is knowing and acknowledging that you don’t understand racism. Or rather, you don’t understand experiencing systemic racism literally every day, whether you notice it or not.

give her this

I always try to say I can imagine, but don’t know first hand. I try to be understanding without appearing to think I truly understand. I think a lot of times it comes down to poor word usage coupled with white privilege.

The funny thing was, the reasoning in this case was “Look at how you’re dressed, not like those other ones,” which

I would care. Some of those descriptions sound like serious reasons to go see a doctor.

Now, I do have days where I hate everyone equally, but that’s more of a personal problem.

“You’re crazy if you think I can’t understand what you’re going through.”

.. They also say “White Lives Matter”, but, strangely enough they were not saying that after a white man killed a shed load of white people at a country and western concert in Las Vegas.

My mother in law texted my husband to say how offended she is about my latests posts (e.g. “white men continue to be the biggest terrorist threat in the US”, “THIS WHITE ON WHITE CRIME HAS TO STOP”, and “white people need to stop using Oujia boards in horror films”), calling them racist against her and her family.

Oh god, I hate this subset of the #wellactually type, these scientific racists who show you cherry picked “facts” and data to try and pretend that they are just being “real.” lol

“What would MLK say about...?”