
He said, ‘the minute you consider health care a right, well, who’s going to satisfy that right?Those people who have the skill to satisfy that right, what does that make them if they’re forced to provide you with that rightful product of service?’

Republicans are only pro birth. Not pro life.

That’s it, take him and drop him in a secluded area. If he’s saying that food and shelter are a privilege, he needs to learn a lesson in survival. I guarantee he wouldn’t last a single day.

They really just have no capability of thinking about the reality of a society run like that. They think, “Well surely I and my family will be fine forever!” and then complain when they are being cooked and eaten by the starving masses.

He’s Republican. He thinks you have a right to be born, but that your survival is a privilege.

The question is not whether it is a privilege or a right. A ‘privilege’ is the subject of legislation, i.e. the only thing that Congress can do something about, so this is a bad argument form him. But, talking about ‘rights’ in the constitutional sense is also not a good argument- it doesn’t need to be a right anymore

I find it strange he should think life is a right and food is a privilege.

Whether he believes what he’s saying or not, there’s money to be made by saying it. Being a racist troll is the only marketable job skill he still has.

It’ll be funny when they are forced to move mainland and then get to vote.

Actually, yes, I have been told that.

My dad is racist and I choose to call things as they are and if he has a problem with it he can chcange his behavior. He said the n-word in my home last summer (while bleeping the word fuck in the same story), and ever since I like my fuck flag fly. It clearly bothers him but ever since he thought it was totally ok to

Seriously. WOC wife must be going through hell for living with a racist MIL. If I was her, I’d refuse to let MIL live with us and demand that husband kicks her out and tells her to go live somewhere else. MIL is gonna be a harmful toxic influence on the biracial children.

BINGO! My own father is far more racist than he would like to admit (marrying a Black woman one time is not a lifetime pass, bro!) and it is not a thing to which I would willingly expose my future children. Nope, sorry, not today, not ever.

I agree. Especially for the sake of the kids—I’m mixed, and I had a racist grandfather (he had the decency to die off when I was a teenager); even our comparatively brief visits were painful because I knew I was only being tolerated. Kids shouldn’t have to deal with relatives who only tolerate them, in their own home.

1st LW: call your MIL a racist piece of shit, loudly, in front of the children and your husband, as often as possible. Do not make nice with her, tell her to go fuck herself, and encourage your children to tell her the same.

I have a white grandparent who is racist and I would never allow my hypothetical children around him. A visit under my supervision, maybe but not alone. I had to hear shit my whole life that completely fucked with my self esteem and contributed to self hatred. They might say they love you but you’re always different

invanz eloquently explained numerous reasons why just upthread from you, nitwit.

Pretty amazing when our military provides more moral guidance than the President and his administration. Between this and the military’s outright dismissal of Trumps transgender hatefest, lets hope they also ignore him when it comes to launching an attack on NK or Venezuela.

Charters are, for the most part, total crap.

It’s fucking bizarre that Harvard chose to bring Betsy DeVos in to read from a script for a couple minutes about school choice. I think it’s important for students to be exposed to views from across the ideological spectrum, but it’s farcical to treat her like she’s some kind of academic who has actually studied the