
This does not bode well for my lawsuit against The Part Of Everyone That’s At Least A Little Bit Gay. I thought I had led me astray for the last time.

This person needs to calm the fuck down. It’s not like she was wearing an Unknown Pleasures t-shirt but only knew “Love Will Tear Us Apart”.

That Facebook group of people who think they’re “like Rick” is ironic since Rick himself hates organized groups and the people who feel like they need to be a part of one.

With the possible exception of cartman, it is significant that in all of the cases you mentioned, it is someone you are not supposed to like. So many of walter white’s ‘badass’ moments are moments of pathetic delusion. Like his stupid hat, or the “one who knocks” speech. They are when he wants to LOOK badass, but is

I know you are describing something awful but I can’t help but picture that with the TOS fight music in the background.

Years ago I went to a Star Trek convention when I was 12 for my big birthday AND christmas presents. I got the opportunity to go on main stage for a trivia contest. All I had to do was answer 1 audience question on Star Trek and I got a $250 voucher for the dealer room, if all three people got their questions right,

There’s a segment of people out there who desperately want to believe that there’s no point to anything, which gives them the right never to give a shit about anything, feel no shame, and be completely self-absorbed. Whether it’s Walter White, Tyler Durden, Eric Cartman, or now Rick Sanchez, these people always find

What i find interesting about these fans is that they clearly don’t understand the show. You aren’t supposed to like Rick. He’s an asshole who can never be happy. In every multiverse combined there was ONE rick who figured out how to be happy and another rick strapped him to a vr machine to harvest his endorphins to

Ricks entire existence is pain. He takes Morty on these crazy adventures because he can’t stand himself and he’s incredibly lonely. The people who see Rick as something to aspire to are malcontents who probably suffer from the same two issues, but lack the self awareness (and massive intellect)to see what truly draws

By this description I’m glad I haven’t seen the Steven Universe fandom, I like the show but it seems pretty ironic that a show about acceptance and love would have such a toxic fanbase. Why are the most ardent fans of things the ones who miss the point the most?

I know that it’s wrong to wish death upon someone, but I hope that Trump dies horribly. He’s so content with fucking millions of people over and he’ll still wake up in a couple of hours and have a completely smug smile on his face. Fuck him. I hope he has aneurysm on live television.

He doesn’t? The thrice-married, blaspheming, philandering idolater to end all idolaters? That’s news to me. Any reading of any Abrahamic text that doesn’t call for his head is, at best, quite a stretch. And he famously does NOT like other people judging his behavior.

I doubt the “healthy church” people would count as evangelicals to the sort of people Sarah is describing. I’ve known a few, and they’ll insist if you don’t sweat and bleed the Kool-Aid, you’re not even a Christian. Big-C Catholics definitely don’t count.

To Christians, God’s truth as revealed in the Bible should define Christianity and guide their Christian practice. The words of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels, should be central to their thinking and behaviour. “What Would Jesus Do” should not be a plastic bracelet designed to make the wearer believe in an invisible

So long as those others are white, straight, gender-conforming and christian.

As a fellow Tennessean over here in Memphis, I can confirm this cultural phenomenon. I was raised by Jesuits and Dominicans and Sisters of Charity though, so my particular Augustinian tendency to endless probing of theological alternatives, effectively immunized me to the worse parts of activist evangelical

Sounds like these “superfans” needs to get their shit together. Get all of it. Put it in a bag so they can bring it with them. Just get their shit, together.

I do the Pickle Rick at inopportune times. My darling husband found me a Bic lighter with a pickle on it...I’ve taken to yelling ‘pickle Biiiic’ for no particular reason because it amuses me.

Likewise, Oscar Wilde’s “As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its fascination. When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular”.

It’s like hardcore libertarians who love Star Trek. The knots they have to twist themselves into to justify their love of the franchise is amazing. It’s like a flat-earther with a geography fetish.