
Snag was so flamboyant and theatrical ("exit, stage left") it was an easy tell. Now Huckleberry Hound, on the other hand ("I was so gay, but I couldn't tell anyone") successfully passed for straight his entire career.

I always wondered about that Flintstones cereal commercial where Fred yells, "Barney, you're eating my Pebbles!"

In that liveaction/CGI Yogi Bear movie from a couple of years ago Yogi briefly tries to go feral. When they showed him on all fours without his hat and collar, the first thing I thought was, "Holy shit, Yogi's **naked**!"

Today's THIRD winner of the Internets for "immigranites!"

Hey Hollywood, this is a great idea I just had for a Hanna-Barbera reboot, and you're welcome to it for free*: not an updated "Top Cat" comic book, BUT A LIVE ACTION "TOP CAT" MOVIE WITH CGI CATS! (I mean, they're up to their 4th Chipmunks movie already, right?)

Don't forget Flintstones Chewable Morphine!

Which half?

"Has this ever happened to any of you girls?"

(Said in a quavery voice:) "Work?!"



Is it my imagination or does the rebooted Archie look more like Jimmy Olsen than Archie?

I don't have time to read through 505 comments to find out how many people have already posted that DEPUTY DAWG IS NOT AN H-B CHARACTER! Shame on you, back to pop-kulture kindergarten! (Or next time just ask a baby boomer to give your article a once-over.)

"As for that whole “bear rape” scenario, Ennis said that “in order to have
the bear’s jaw in the small of his back, basically my face was in
[DiCaprio’s] butt,” but that’s about as far as things went. He called
the rumor “bizarre” and “it was people with no life, I guess, who
started that.”

Never mind "The Revenant;" what I want to know is who played the bear in "The Shining."

Don't read this comment - oops, too late!

"Oh, be nice," to quote the gay steelmill guy in "The Simpsons." Hey, even Disney's animated features throw in a blue gag every now & then for the parents in the audience. (And let's not forget "it's twue, it's twue!' in "Blazing Saddles," another kid-friendly fun movie.) Sorry, but when TV sitcoms that kids watch

When Annakin wails "what have I done?!" near the end of RotS I totally burst out laughing - a terrible line reading of an exceptionally trite piece of dialog. The fabnoy next to me got really pissed off at my inability to swallow this particular piece of scripted doo-doo and made an insulted noise, to which I could

Yes they do.

Alien wannabe bad guy on "Dr. Who:" "Surrender your women and your intellectuals!"