
The Toy Story films are sci-fi? That's unpossible!

"Football in the groin - it works on so many levels!"

Spongebob had an episode with Mr. Krabs dressed like a doctor in a 1950's-style TV commercial: "I'm a doctor - as far as you know…"

Not sure, but I think that's originally from smart-aleck poet Ogden Nash. (Followed by "pot is not," but he was old school.)

"Why was I dressed like Hitler?"

In the Zucker-Abrams-Zucker movie "Top Secret!" the main character is told the bad guys evil plan happens on Friday (or whatever day):
"Friday - that's Simchas Torah!" (not very important Jewish holiday.)

A few years ago I was in the lobby of my old college dorm and mentioned to the student behind the desk I lived there back in the '60s:

they did a variation on that gag in the "Hoodwinked" movie:

In the remake one of the characters dismisses something with "I wouldn't buy that for a dollar."

Hitchcock used to do the same thing; he talks about it in the "Hitchcock/Truffaut" interview book

Here's two from "The Emperor's New Groove," which I just posted in another AVC thread, but belong here as well:

Oh yes, that "Fawlty Towers" episode with the young German tourists. I've quoted the exchange between Basil and one of the tourists, after the tourist accuses Basil of creating a scene a million times (it never gets old: )

Oh, that's one I'd like to go back in time and tell Mel, "No, you shouldn't play the lead, you should play ALFRED HITCHCOCK (hell, he wouldn't have needed that much make-up either) and cameo yourself into every other scene until the film's characters finally get sick of you and throw you out of the movie!"

"We don't have a winner of the All-England Summarize Proust contest, so I'm giving this trophy to the girl with the biggest tits!" I'm cracking up just typing the line!

Don't forget Peter Cook ("You made me drop my Grebe") and Dudley Moore ("But that too, is a criminal offense"), perfectly cast…You wouldn't happen to know where my DVD went, because I LOVE THAT MOVIE! I lost it and now all I have is a crummy VHS copy.

"You started it!"
"We did? When?"
"When you invaded Poland!"

"You should've thought of that before you became peasants,"
"Or, to save on postage…"

Just remembered my favorite Monty Python moment (IIRC):
"Is there any opportunity for advancement in your line of work?"
"Oh yeah guv'nor, after five years they give me a brush."

It works on so many levels!

"The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T" is maybe my favorite oddball oddity, a 1950's live-action Dr. Seuss fantasy of an evil piano teacher (Hans Conried in a role he was born for) who's imprisoned 500 kids in his castle to play an gargantuan undulating piano.