
This kind of retro-retcon-alt-universe-meta-revamp-"Spaceballs-2-The-Search-For-More-Money" crap is why I gave up on mainstream comics years ago. All this overgrown, ingrown mythology long ago vanished up its own batcave. (I love the Marvel movies because for the most part they're sticking with a "back to the roots"

You can't call it the "Super Bowl" without the express written consent of the commissioner, doncha know? If you haven't paid the NFL $$ for licensing rights you can only call it "The Big Game," which is what I'm seeing in ads and bar window signs.

I'm completely serious - and don't call me after 11 - I'm in bed by then.

I love "Blazing Saddles" and "The Producers," both hysterical, but I have to say I watched "Airplane!" the other night and that's my candidate for Funniest Movie of All Time - more laugh-out-loud moments than any other film I can recall.

still have mine, still "grill" up some chicken w/it occasionally (and I'm decades away from my college days.) Easy trick to cleaning it: once it cools a bit put some warm, wet paper towels in it and close the top. Give it 30-60 minutes and the crud will come off pretty easily with a little bit of wiping with more wet

One of my favorite BM episodes too. The detail I really liked was the morning after when Harris, usually a sharp dresser, shows up wearing a garish tie, the result of still having a bit of buzz lingering. Realizing his fashion faux pas he reaches into his desk and pulls out a plain black tie to wear instead - an

I don't have time to read 1466 comments, but surely someone must have already pointed out it's "astral," not "astro," asshole.

The direct to video sequel, Cinderella III (Cinderella II was just 3 episodes of an animated TV series that never got off the ground) was also the best of that run of knock-offs - some genuinely emotional moments in there.

I beg to differ - Branagh's "Cinderella" had a much different vibe than the cartoon one (complete with a last line of dialog between Cinderella and her stepmother I DID NOT see coming) and the live action Sleeping Beauty did some MAJOR changes on the original, including (SPOILER AHEAD) making Malificent a wronged

"A drought brings a truce between the predators and prey of the jungle." Didn't I just see this in "Zootopia"?

I watched the Mexican one - it wasn't horrible, nothing I would go out of my way to see but it was sit-throughable, didn't make me grab my remote & turn it off. First I've heard of a prequel though.

to Wolverine's body?

I still can't figure out why Don Gordon, the actor playing Bullitt's sidekick Delgetti never had a successful career of his own. (Come to think of it, he also played McQueen's fireman sidekick in "The Towering Inferno;" interesting…) He had a really intense, serious kind of Jason Stratham-y vibe. I would've liked to

Thank you for saving me the trouble of…oh wait a second, I just did it myself.

I'm behind this one as long as Ben Ali Gator from "Fantasia" makes a cameo appearance.

Today's FOURTH winner of the Internets!

I'm old; who the fuck are they?

*Another* overdue live-action remake of a cartoon series!

Whatever isn't owned by Time Warner is now owned by Disney.