I know this is about pet adoption but I think this relates based on the comments and I am sorry for the long wind comment:
I know this is about pet adoption but I think this relates based on the comments and I am sorry for the long wind comment:
They’re somebody’s real ears.
The best part of the reunion was when Andy called them all out for being cheaters and ho’s
I mean it’s not shocking that none of them would be in anything as successful* as Seinfeld after Seinfeld, but the media has to dumb everything down as far as possible, so it became durrr Seinfeld curse!.
i’ll do you one better and say no curse has ever been real because there is no such thing.
After watching what my unemployed husband had to go through, that anybody could get $24,000 out of Florida’s hopelessly broken unemployment system blows my mind. I guess I’ll give it to Santos on this—the guy knows how to work a con, at least for a little while.
Republican and Diet Republican.
Actually I don’t mind this list - lots of songs I’m happy to see on it. But no Charlotte Sometimes and In Between Days deserves top 5 at least.
He went on strike in solidarity with the WGA the last time, it’s just no one told him that one ended.
My main takeaway from this list is that the Cure are an incredible band. There’s probably 100 songs that didn’t make the list that I’d probably put in place of a lot of what’s on there, but I also can’t argue with what did make the list and that speaks to the incredible depth and breadth of their catalogue. I do like…
It might be lacking in the eeriness that defines much of their work, but In Between Days deserves to be much higher, if not top of this list.
“Hollywood is gonna be just fine”
Well, I dunno about that, but this isn’t its problem.
Tik Tok kids don’t realize that Conan did this joke 11 years ago
Why aren’t they eating spaghetti? Aren’t they supposed to be eating spaghetti?
That is an awesome story. Not at all surprised by Peter remembering you. He’s supposedly a true mensch.
If someone’s work means a lot to you, fuckin’ TELL EM while you have the chance. Don’t interrupt their dinner, obviously.
I get to tell my REM stories again.
Fuck the haters, I’m a millennial of a certain age and I am here for this shit.
Acryllic on canvas, or a good pastels or charcoal work is doable in that time frame. But anything beyond that, even just switching to oils for painting, would be too much of a stretch. Now, if it’s like a lot of competition shows where they “say” its one time frame but it’s actually much longer, then that would work.…
That’s when you bring in