Joe's Stack

Without looking, try to spell Paulie’s last name.

You, sir, have a way with words.

Between the buyout, signing bonus, and 5 years of annual, we are above $600m total investment, roughly converted to $.

Not working on IPhone. Maybe it knows I’m picking Kansas?

We’re not talking about practice. We’re talking about a game.

Astute analysis.

Guaranteed AAA Rate Baseball. Guaranteed AA Rate Hot Dogs.

Couldn’t happen to a better team.

*ESPN8. The Ocho.

Tomsula would be proud of this answer.

What’s great is that they have to leave it up... to delete it will give even more backlash

“Yes it is.”

I once shook Randy Travis’s hand, and haven’t washed mine ever sense.

I think it’s going ok. The reports have all shown it wasn’t them. Some other idiots. They were called in as witnesses, and that doesn’t even mean they were there when it happened, just that they could possibly know something.

The Cardinals lost their 51st game of the season.

There’s always next game!

That trainer needs all the accolades.


I didn’t even think of the Old School reference til you just did that. I was trying to figure it out and that was not it.

Somebody was watching US- El Salvador and came away with the wrong concept.