Probably because they’d have to completely gut and rebuild their factories and vehicles to do that?
Probably because they’d have to completely gut and rebuild their factories and vehicles to do that?
Oh yeah, not like the Japanese didn’t price dump or anything. Their economy is great! *lol It’s not like those cars didn’t become piles of orange dust after two years in the snowbird states.
So we actively seek out hospitals to bomb? “I’m not going to disrespect the service or anything, but they activly look to hurt civilians and we wouldn’t have Muslim terrorism if our boys over there weren’t putting two in the back of the head of every civy they saw.”
I’m white because I tell my family not to give an Atlanta grifter money to buy another Learjet?
If you can find definitive proof that McCain wants to drop a nuke on the Middle East, I’d love for your cartoon ass to prove it.
How dare you assume my race.
So, should we not have sympathy for the blacks that voted for Obama? Or the ones that continue to give Creflo Dollar paycheck after paycheck?
I mean, if Nixon is up there, why not Trump?
So...ignore 50% of your evidence and you instance.
Did you witness Clinton’s campaign? Schmoozing with Beyonce and celebrities on the coasts, while making a handful of stops inland. She never visited my state. Senator Sanders and Trump came multiple times.
You’re right. I appreciate your thorough approach to this, as well as keeping it civil. There are enough hot-heads on the message boards these days.
Only north of San Fransisco.
abolish electoral college, register all people 18 and over automatically, move election days to the weekend (or a work holiday) and, of course, reversecCitizensuUnited.”
McCain has more skin in the game than you do, Mack...
Except that Truman was President at the time of the Korean War.
Oh, you mean like what alt-left has been doing at Berkley and Portland?
Hypocrisy much?
That poor girl needs a sandwich, STAT!
I’d also like to see your evidence proving that the Japanese-Americans (while being interned) somehow made up the “bulk” of the reconstruction efforts.