
“According to Hallstead, the behavior of Shintani and the Haradas were included in an official Navy report dated January 26, 1942. Its author, Navy Lieutenant C. B. Baldwin, wrote, “The fact that the two Niʻihau Japanese who had previously shown no anti-American tendencies went to the aid of the pilot when

Here’s what Sir Moore thought about those pesky Benzs. Collins should take note:

Number 1 or #2 for the “Best James Bond Film” is definitly For Your Eyes Only. One of the most overlooked films.

Again, things don’t happen in a vacuum. Do you deny the fact that the Niihau Incident happened, and the spies that were present, were merely kindling for the fire that lit the removal post the unprovoked attack on Hawaii?

*situation is reversed

Having watched some of the things the cars go through, I’m surprised some of the cars work at all. I was spectating at Sebring and out of 12 cars, 5 cars had to get pulled out of Turn 17 because the drivers were just piling into the wall.

Econoline, Transit, or Connect?

How else is he going to do a neutral drop?

I brought up the Niihau Incident because these things do not happen in a vacuum. Evidence for interment was there, vis a vis Japanese spies in Hawaii and the people that took part in Niihau Incident. You are aware that the Boxer Rebellion happened at the turn of the 20th century, no? Not to mention the animosity after

So...not liking a blogger is the same as being a Nazi.

But it’s not OK for people to acost Colin Kaepernick because...

I did mention the 1940s and Japanese internment. That’s how this thread began.

And OJ went free.

Aww, you saw “Dear White People” too.

Oh, you saw “Dear, White People,” too. How cute!

Glad I had adbloc on this POS.

Again, you are not reading what I am typing.

Can you find the excerpt form the boardroom that said, “Yeah, this hair rule will really put those negroes in their place?”

No evidence to support your “opinions”. Truly, anything that we don’t like anymore can be labeled as racist.

You’re supporting my statement. Look up Nathaniel Jackson and the Jackson Ranch in Texas.